Captivated by the Soldier (BWWM Interracial Romance)

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Book: Captivated by the Soldier (BWWM Interracial Romance) by Dez Burke Read Free Book Online
Authors: Dez Burke
of pleasure came on full blast behind her vision, blinding her as she doubled over, flopped, and bucked until she felt like she’d been fired with a taser.
    As if there wasn’t enough ecstasy to contend with, Blade suddenly intensified her high by pushing in one finger while he licked around the swelling edges of her pussy. He raked in and out with that lone finger and she gripped on so tightly to his hair she heard him groan with approval. His thumb swept over her clitoris before pressing down in long, circular motions. His lips stayed glued to every part of her genitals he could reach while his thumb teased her clit and fucked her pussy with his index finger.
    Now Makayla knew for certain he wanted to drive her insane. She didn’t care. She was ready to go wild for him any given day. When another finger slipped in, making them two, Makayla went through another plane of passion. She could feel her orgasm build up to a magnitude that threatened to crush her beneath its force. One more stroke of his thumb across her clit; one last push of his fingers into her g-spot and Makayla was undone.
    Chapter Sixteen
    Blade loved making Makayla come. And watching her come. There was a way to how she let go that triggered something off in his brain; a tripwire of manly fulfillment that made him swell with pride and hot, blinding lust.
    Her climax hit her so hard she almost sprung off the bed. Quickly, he clamped his hands on her thighs and kept her down while he lapped up her jetting juices. Damn, she tasted good. Blade wanted to commit that taste to memory. She was saying his name as her orgasm rocked her from head to foot and it was like music to his ears. Makayla was everything. She’d brought her openness and her realness with her and blew a hole right through his defenses, more than any of those pushy women he’d met in the past could ever do. Blade could see himself laying his heart on the line for a woman like Makayla. And no matter what happened, he’d never regret that move.
    Finally, she was still, though her chest was heaving. Ever so slowly, he kissed her sensitive inner thighs, reluctantly moving away from her glittering pink and pouty pussy before wending his lips upwards. Her belly, her breasts, her throat. He licked at the gentle sheen of perspiration coating her skin there, and felt her shudder endlessly. He smiled, raised his head to look down into her hooded, glistening eyes. Tears. Puzzled, he stared into her streaked face. “What’s wrong?”
    She let out that spontaneous, beautiful sounding laugh he was getting to love. “Nothing’s wrong! It just…it felt so good. Nothing like that’s ever felt so good,” she told him, her tone sobering. Her hands rested on his chest, and Blade felt the ultimate wall come crashing down when he looked into the open window of her face.
    He loved her.
    He knew that now. Without a doubt in his mind he knew.
    It was as gut-deep an instinct as he’d had whenever he was stationed on that wall, about to bring down that ‘mark’ with just one bullet from his sniper rifle.
    The analogy might seem unsavory to some but it was the truth. Blade had lived by the gun and it had been a tough choice to make but he’d been darned too good at it to do anything else while he was in the Army.
    And yet now that he was out of active duty he’d always been afraid he’d lost some part of his humanity. That piece had fused right back when he met Makayla. Now, with her gazing up at him with the same kind of glow on her face that he was sure was showing on his, he felt like he was finally finding his way back. God! It felt good to be home.
    Chapter Seventeen
    Makayla didn’t care how much Gina or Evelyn teased her. She was in love and it was about time.
    Gina got back from her trip to find that her stepbrother may have moved out to his new place, but he was firmly ensconced in Makayla’s heart.
    Evelyn too, finally got resigned to the possibility that she might have been wrong and

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