Cabin Fever

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Book: Cabin Fever by Stephanie Williams Read Free Book Online
Authors: Stephanie Williams
of his hand.
    “I…I didn’t, mean to. I guess I got carried away in my reenactment.”
    “You have the softest legs. They melt in my hands.” Sean looked up at her and smiled, gaze hooded.
    Sandra was about to melt in his hands. “Re-really?”
    “Uh huh.” He bent over and kissed her calf.
    She tried to sit up, but Patrick grabbed her shoulder and gently brought her back down to his chest. “Relax, Sandy.”
    Sean kissed her ankle, then her calf again. Moving up to her knee, he gently turned her leg and pressed his lips to the back of it.
    When he reached her thigh, the softness of his hair caressed her like a cashmere sweater. She nearly jumped out of her skin. “Sean,” she whispered.
    “Shhh,” Patrick nuzzled her cheek, then her neck. “You need to relax. You had a rough time there.”
    Relax? She wanted to catch her breath. She couldn’t see straight. “Um…I um….”
    “Mmm, you smell nice. Is that the perfume I bought you for Christmas last year?” Patrick inhaled deeply. He gently nipped and licked her earlobe.
    “Yes. Okay, guys, thanks for the help. My leg is better, really.” She tried to sit up again.
    “You need to calm down.” Sean returned to massaging her leg. “Why so jumpy?”
    Why so…? She was basically getting her freak on, as Rhonda would put it.
    She lay against one man, who kissed her face from eyelids to lips, while another made love to her leg.
    This wasn’t supposed to happen.
    Granted, she’d spent a lot of time fantasizing. But the reality was, these were her pals. No matter how horny they were, she couldn’t let it go any further.
    Sean caressed and kissed her thigh some more. It was more of a sensuous massage than one to relieve a charley horse, and this time he swirled his tongue.
    Oh God, she was gonna come right then and there. “Sean, please!”
    Her pleas fell on deaf ears. Patrick’s mouth found her earlobe again and this time he sucked on the tender flesh.
    “Patrick,” she squeaked. “Patrick!”
    “Hmm, you want more?”
    “Okay, baby.” He continued. She was amazed at how turned on she got. And when did her earlobe become an erogenous zone?
    “I mean no . Stop! Both of you!”
    She slid out of Patrick’s grip, nearly kneeing Sean in the jaw, and tumbled onto the floor. She began to say something, but noticed their eyes focusing downward. She felt a slight breeze, then realized why. She was naked from the waist down, except for a pair of red panties. Lace. Red, see-through lace.
    Where were her pants? “It’s been a long day, I’m tired from skiing, and I want to rest and recover from this cramp. I just want to grab something to eat and go to bed, okay?”
    The men exchanged a glance of unspoken understanding. It’d been like that for the past few weeks.
    “I’ll bring your dinner up,” Patrick waved her away. “Go on and prepare for bed.”
    Spying her pants, she grabbed them off the floor and limped upstairs. When she opened the door to her room, she couldn’t believe her eyes.
    “Sean! Patrick!”
    “I take it from her outburst, you did her room while we were out?” Patrick said.
    “I did. You have good taste, my friend.”
    “Thanks. Now, what’s your assessment of the situation?”
    Sean rubbed his chin and placed a bowl of clam chowder on the counter. “I’m not sure. In spite of the many women I’ve dated, I still can’t figure them out.”
    “God made it that way. So work with what you can. What do you think?” Patrick retrieved another bowl and helped himself to some chowder.
    “It’s obvious she was turned on. If she weren’t, she would have slapped us both and told us to cut it out.”
    “Earth to Sean. She did tell us to stop.”
    “You know what I mean. She would have been indignant about it, maybe disgusted. She didn’t show any signs of that.”
    Patrick scratched the back of his head. “Well, you got me there. But being turned on by two men rubbing your leg does not a ménage

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