Bushedwhacked Bride

Read Online Bushedwhacked Bride by Eugenia Riley - Free Book Online

Book: Bushedwhacked Bride by Eugenia Riley Read Free Book Online
Authors: Eugenia Riley
Tags: Humor, Time travel, American West
Cole holding a large stack of folded shirts, denim pants, and longjohns, and once again staring at her boldly.
    “Aren’t you finished?” she asked him irritably.
    ‘That depends,” came his cocky reply.
    Before Jessica could respond, Ma waved her arms. “Get out of here, you devil, and leave the lady in peace. I reckon she’ll want a nap before dinner.”
    Cole solemnly winked at Jessica. “Yeah, she does look done in. But shouldn’t I stay and show her the most com fortable spot on the bed?”
    Both women gasped. Luckily, Ma was the first to hurl a pillow at Cole, or Jessica would have. As for Cole—the exasperating rogue merely ducked the missile and dashed out the door, laughing all the while.
    After Ma left, Jessica found that, indeed, she was exhausted, and she took a brief nap on the downy feather tick. Although the sheets were clean, she could still smell Cole’s essence in the bed—the scent of his skin, his hair—and this sensual presence, as well as memories of their heated kiss, rose to torment her, especially as she recalled his offering to show her the softest spot on the bed. She knew exactly what the scamp had in mind—how he would love to find that spot somewhere deep inside herself as he drove into her.
    Oh, what had this man done to her? Her thoughts were appalling! Jessica tossed about and punched up her pillow.
    What tortured her the most was the daunting truth that Cole Reklaw would doubtless be a wonderful lover, his approach as hot, raw, and virile as his searing kiss. And unfortunately, great sex wasn’t exactly an everyday oc currence in Jessica’s life of dull academia—in fact, it had been years since she’d experienced anything close to having her socks knocked off. If one kiss from Cole Reklaw could rattle her world so thoroughly, she couldn’t even imagine the upheaval to her universe of spending a night in bed with this sexy, dangerous man.
    Good heavens, why was she even thinking such a thing? Giving in to Cole would be a disastrous decision, even if it was what her treacherous libido craved the most!
    When Jessica awakened, her clean undergarments and starched, pressed gown were laid out at the foot of the bed. Smelling fried chicken, she realized she was famished, and remembered that she hadn’t eaten since this morning— whenever that had been. For that matter, it was possible she hadn’t eaten for over a hundred years. Shuddering at the mind-boggling possibility, she quickly dressed and combed her hair.
    Stepping into the kitchen, Jessica was literally besieged by suitors and the smell of bay rum. Pretty boys straight in a row, she thought ruefully as Billy, Gabe, Wes, and Luke all rushed up to greet her. To a man they were well scrubbed, in clean shirts, with neatly parted, gleaming hair and wide grins splitting their faces. All four bore gifts.
    “Well, howdy, ma’am, don’t you make a purty pic ture?” declared Billy, thrusting a bouquet under Jessica’s nose.
    Laughing, she accepted the spray of black-eyed susans, purple gentians, and blue columbine. “Why, thank you kindly, sir. These are lovely.”
    “Picked ‘em myself,” Billy informed her proudly, rocking on his boot heels. “Just for my lady’s pleasure.”
    Jessica was on the verge of thanking him again when Wesley, gleaming like a new penny, thrust a small tin into her free hand.
    “Here, ma’am, have some horehound candy. I’ve only sampled three pieces.”
    “Why, thanks, Wesley.”
    Luke took his turn, dangling a length of satiny green before Jessica’s eyes. “Here, ma’am, have this purty hair ribbon. I picked it out to favor those comely eyes of yours.”
    Before Jessica could thank him, Ma complained loudly from the stove, “You mean you stole it from my sewing box, you slimy weasel.”
    At this, Wesley’s brothers roared with laughter, while he colored. “Ma, please! You ain’t got no call to go humiliating me that way.”
    Wiping her hands on her apron, Ma stepped

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