Bright Moon

Read Online Bright Moon by Andria Canayo - Free Book Online

Book: Bright Moon by Andria Canayo Read Free Book Online
Authors: Andria Canayo
Tags: Romance, Werewolf
know. When she touched my hand…” Her brow knit together as
she watched the silver wolf over his shoulder. The wolf had begun
to transform. Clara’s sharp intake of breath made him turn back and
face her away from the transformation. He had hoped to prepare her
before she witnessed such a ghastly thing. When he did let her turn
around, the silver wolf was gone and in her place stood a
remarkable young woman. She wore raggedy clothes on her tall frame
and her hair stood on end in dark, frizzy mats. Her eyes were
golden and she stared at them in wild-eyed shock.
    “Who are you?” Tyson asked while using his
body to shield Clara.
    “I…” The woman’s voice was quiet and grainy.
“I don’t know, I can’t remember. You pulled me out,” she said while
looking at Clara.
    “Don’t talk to her!” Tyson snapped. “Address
    The woman jumped and nodded. “That girl
pulled me out…made me remember…” She raised her fingers to eye
level and examined them as if for the first time.
    “You shouldn’t have let the wolf instinct
take over.”
    The woman’s yellow eyes flashed and she
lowered her hands. “I know that now! It was not my intention to
    Tyson bit back a growl and his annoyance,
taking a deep breath. “What’s your name?”
    She put a long finger to her chin and
thought hard. “Flash?... No, that wasn’t it. Blur? No…streak? I
don’t remember.”
    “You don’t remember your own name?” Clara
    “No, I can only remember what the other
animals of the woods thought I was. Perhaps I’ll remember with
time,” she answered without looking Clara in the eye.
    “We don’t have time,” Tyson growled. “What
happened when you touched her?”
“How should I know? She made me remember my human instincts, my
human thoughts…I’d forgotten I ever was human.”
    Tyson kept his body between the she-werewolf
and Clara, unwilling to trust the newcomer. Clara put a hand on his
tensed shoulder. “I don’t think she’s going to hurt me.”
    “Hurt you?” the woman asked. “Why would I do
    “Perhaps you’d like to answer that for me,”
Tyson growled again. Her yellow eyes shifted to Clara a glimpse of
a moment.
    “It’s impossible,” she whispered and weaved
her fingers together. “She has enough pain. Her heart is bruised. I
could never add to such suffering.”
    Clara’s face went warm. Tyson relaxed,
seeming to believe the she-werewolf. “Pain?” he asked for good
    “Yes,” the lady replied. She finally dared
to meet Clara’s eye full on. “We are alike, you and I, we have both
been alone far too long.”
    At a loss for words, Clara cleared her
throat awkwardly.
    “Enough!” Tyson insisted, casually pushing
his hair from his eyes. Relieved, Clara sighed and stepped back in
effort to distance herself from what had transpired.
    “You bonded with Clara in a way I’ve never
heard one of us do with a mortal,” Tyson said quickly. “I’ve seen
similar connections happen among wolves, but never on this
    Of everything he said, one word rang through
Clara’s mind— mortal.
    “I don’t know what you plan on doing now.
You obviously need a pack to keep you from going wild,” Tyson
    “You have a pack? Where are they?” the woman
asked eagerly.
    “We’re going to meet them.”
    “Oh, please allow me to come! I swear I
won’t be trouble,” she immediately begged.
    “You must remember Clara is mortal.
First and foremost, keep your distance until I know you can be
trusted. If you ever make one wrong move, the consequences will be
dire. Do you understand?”
    “I do and I promise to be sensible.”
    “You may come along on a trial bases, are we
    “Yes,” she answered simply, her yellow eyes
smiling with joy.
    “We’ve spent too much time here, we need to
be on our way.”
    Clara eyed the blue sky, the sun had begun
to sink toward afternoon. She was tired and her legs ached
something awful, but it didn’t

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