Breaking Through (Atlanta #3)

Read Online Breaking Through (Atlanta #3) by Kemmie Michaels - Free Book Online

Book: Breaking Through (Atlanta #3) by Kemmie Michaels Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kemmie Michaels
    "Ok, this is going to sound strange," Luke started, "but did you say you have two friends named Cassie and Erin?"
    "Yeah, why?"
    "Does Cassie happen to have a twin brother…who lives with Erin?"
    "Wha…how did you know?"
    "Holy shit," Luke laughed as he swore without meaning to, but he was too shocked to hold it in. "You've got to be fucking kidding me!"
    "What?" Jenna laughed along with him, trying to figure out his reaction.  
    "You know how I told you I work out a lot?"
    "Yeah…" Jenna hesitated. Realization suddenly showed on her face. "No way!"
    "Yep. Marcus is my trainer. He's getting me started on MMA fighting."
    Jenna laughed. "I can't believe that! To think we have such close friends in common. Wait… you're the angry protégé? I can't believe that's true. Cassie calls you Marcus Junior, you know."
    This time Luke had to laugh. "Yeah, I guess the title fits. I even live in his old apartment now, and I work for the butcher he used to help out."
    "This is nuts," Jenna laughed, and then her eyes changed from amused to pensive. "But I have to say I'm surprised you're the one I've heard about. You don't seem very angry at all. Even when Sophie's mom was so nasty."
    Luke's face fell and his brow furrowed further than he wanted it to. Damn it . He didn't want the conversation to turn in this direction at all. He didn't want Jenna knowing all his internal darkness, especially on the first date. She might run for the hills.
    "Well, I guess I can hide it pretty well most of the time. Marcus keeps working with me on focus and control," he uttered with a little frustration sneaking into his voice. "But yeah, I've got anger issues, I suppose."
    His shoulders slumped and he stood to clear off their dinner remnants into a nearby trash bin. He didn't want Jenna in on any of this. He didn't want to go there. Not tonight, not with her.
    "Hey, it's ok," she said with warm kindness in her voice. "That doesn't change anything. I'm having a great night. I mean, think about it. I rode on a Harley! Me, on a Harley. Who'd have predicted that?"
    He glanced up to see the sweet, understanding face of an angel. He couldn't help but smile again. The anger which bubbled up so fast dissipated as quickly when he saw her smile. She didn't care he was the angry 'Marcus Junior'.  
    "You don't want to run screaming?" he half-joked.  
    "Nah. I don't like running much anyway," Jenna reassured him with a teasing smile. "But how about a walk?"
    How did she do that? Luke was now back to feeling calm and having fun. He helped her up off the picnic bench and kept her hand in his. Her skin was so soft, and he could smell her fresh, natural scent again. Everything about her drew him in completely, and she didn't run screaming.  

    Jenna's butterflies wouldn't take a rest. They fluttered through her inner-gooeyness with more agility than should have been possible. Luke was a part of her circle of friends and the darkness she noticed behind his carefully shrouded eyes was confirmed. She noticed that darkness the first time she saw him, but dismissed the thought after watching him with his daughter. But tonight, she knew for certain she hadn't imagined his deep burn at all.  
    That poor man, she wanted to think, but she already knew him well enough to know he'd hate pity. So instead, she opted to think of him with caring and understanding. Those emotions came to her without effort, and would hopefully keep Luke relaxed and close to her…because she wanted more time with him. A lot more time.  
    When he asked her if she wanted to run screaming, she almost laughed at him. What a ridiculous concept. Thank goodness she suggested a walk instead, because in that very moment, she was wandering casually with Luke along the paths of the park. His large, strong hand surrounded hers with gentle pressure and he kept her very close to him.  
    They didn't talk much as they strolled. She could tell he was brooding over confessing his angry side, but she

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