Breaking Dragon

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Book: Breaking Dragon by Jordan Marie Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jordan Marie
Tags: United States, Romance, Literature & Fiction, Urban, African American
to clear the voices. I take some deep breaths. I feel better now that I’m not naked as a jaybird. I’ll be fine. All I have to do is pull up that damned armor that I keep in place. It should be easy. I’ve used it since I was old enough to realize my parents had frozen popsicles for hearts.
    I walk towards the door and Dragon stops me.
    “I’ll p ick you up after work, babe.”  He says and kisses my forehead.
    It’s a sweet touch that sets butterflies off in my stomach. I ignore them and instead concentrate on being relieved. If he had really kissed me, I probably would have never come back out of it. He’s that potent. He is Super Whore kryptonite even. I nod.   If I disagree out loud he will fuck me into submission .
    Yes please .
    Bad Nicole needs to go—like yesterday! I clear my throat.
    “I better get back to work.”  
    “Okay Mama.” He says while his finger moves gently back and forth on my cheek. I open my eyes, and really I’m so far gone I don’t remember closing them. I get lost in the dark chocolate of his eyes, so deep and intense. If he tried, he could probably see right through me.
    He bends down further this time and lightly kisses my lips. It’s sweet, totally unexpected after what we just shared. Then again, so was the forehead kiss. It seems totally out of character. I can’t really say though because I DON’T KNOW HIM! Oh! My! God!
    Then he’s gone. The door closes and I’m left staring at the dumb thing, slightly in shock. I run my fingers through my hair because I’m sure at this point I look like I’ve just had sex on my bosses desk. BECAUSE I HAVE! I take a deep breath and close my eyes. Then I take another one… and another. Finally, I open my eyes and lick my suddenly dry lips. It’s time I go back out there. I don’t want too. I hate to face the world when they most assuredly know what I did in here. Shit.
    Another fortifying breath (which didn’t fortify) and I walk out with my head held high…okay, medium high. Whatever!   
    I grab my serving tray off the bar, having no idea how it got there at this point. I refuse to look my boss in the eye.
    “Back on duty,” I mumble.
    “K, Nicole.” 
    I can hear the laughter in his voice. I choose to ignore it. That’s my plan, and I’m sticking to it.
    I don’t know where Dragon and his crony went. I’m trying not to dwell on it. I know he said he would be back to pick me up. Um. Yeah, I can’t do that. I just need to get back home and pretend tonight didn’t happen. Chances are Dragon left here and found another woman already. I ignore the pang of hurt that lodges in my stomach with the thought.
    The crowd is starting to die down. There may be ten people in here. I’m collecting empties and wiping off Fat Tommy’s table. I’m relieved to find that apparently my whoredom centers only on Dragon and not the sweet, but bald, beer belly, tobacco chewing Tommy who I learned ten minutes on the job—was a regular.   All was not lost, I suppose .
    I look up at the bar to find Irish watching me. He’s been doing that a lot since I screwed Dragon in the back room. How could he not? Hell he probably figures I’ll spread my legs for him next. What was I thinking? I wasn’t thinking, that much is clear. This whole night has one word attached to it. Mistake, a big mistake!
    Dragon already wanted me to be a Twinkie and that had pissed me off! Then I go and act like one!  
    It’s ten till ten, I am supposed to get off at ten. Yeah, I know I lied to Dragon. What’s lying when I’m already a fornicator? Geez I’m losing it.
    “Hey Irish, I’m going to cash in.” I say not looking at him. Even avoiding his gaze, I can still feel the heat rise in my face.     
    “Thought Dragon was coming back to pick you up?” He asks and I can feel fear spike through me and speed up my heart beat.
    “Something must have come up. No worries, I have my own car. I’m sure he’ll find me.” I tried to sound breezy and carefree.

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