Bound to the Elvin King
they’d so nearly explored.
    “Go away.” The barked order came out as practically a growl.
    Silence reigned for a moment until the frazzled voice pleaded, “Your Majesty, it’s important. News has arrived of the darkindred breaking through the barrier.”
    Talion’s jaw clenched. He stared at her, tension etched into his face, before he lowered his forehead to hers. They remained in this position for a few seconds, both breathing heavily. He finally pulled back from her with a colorful curse that made even her ears sting.
    “I’ll be there in a few moments, Evander,” he called out to the person on the other side of the door. With jerky movements, Talion retrieved the laces of his pants and made quick work of slipping them back in place. He then walked a few steps to pick up his under tunic. Switching direction, he started toward her. Along the way, he scooped up her gown and underthings.
    With a toss, he sent them sailing into her lap. “Get dressed quickly. Evander, my seneschal, is waiting.”
    She blinked at the clothes and then at him. What was a seneschal? Lust was still causing havoc in her body, and her mind ran sluggishly.
    He turned his back on her and strode toward a wardrobe. She groaned, then leaned back and slammed her head against the wall. A whimper ripped from her lips. Why had they been interrupted again? Why not last night before the damage was done? Apparently, they’d indulged in a sex fest then. But now, they couldn’t even get a quickie in.
    After he put his boots on, he turned around as he slipped on a richly embroidered overtunic. As his gaze landed on her, his eyes narrowed. “What are you waiting for? Get dressed.”
    She scowled at his demanding tone. Who did he think he was? He might be king, but he couldn’t boss her around.
    “Think I’ll stay right here. It’s quite comfy.” The discomfort in her butt disproved her words. Damn wood was so hard, but in the heat of the encounter, she hadn’t noticed. Now, it felt like torture to her sore skin. And they hadn’t even done anything kinky—at least not today.
    “Unless you want us both to pass out, you’ll get your pretty little bottom off of there, get clothed, and follow me. We have a meeting to attend.”
    “ We ?”
    “My land is under attack. I don’t have time to placate your womanly sensibilities.”
    She folded her arms over her chest. “It has nothing to do with being “womanly.” I just don’t want to be publicly tied to you in any way.”
    He smiled thinly. “A little late to worry about that. But don’t worry. I’m not ready for my people to know I have a new queen who’s human. There’s too much unrest for such news to be received well, so you have a temporary reprieve.”
    She frowned. Should she be offended or relieved at his words? She was proud of who she was. But the fact remained that humans weren’t commonplace in Eria. In fact, there were only two in existence. Her and Cal. And the elves did have a history of distrust with humans.
    “Fine. I’ll get dressed.” She heaved herself off the dresser with one arm and held onto her clothes with the other. As her feet hit the floor, the surrealism of the situation struck her. She was completely naked before a king. Well, except for her slippers. She hadn’t bothered to remove them when they were mauling each other. And she stood before not just any king. No, he was a supreme Elvin ruler she happened to be bonded to and loved to hate with a passion. How fucked up was that?
    She’d laugh if she weren’t so pissed—and unsettled. She quickly crushed the thought. He didn’t unsettle her . Yeah, right. His presence never fails to rattle me.
    Not wanting to dwell on this, she pulled on her garments. “How are you going to explain my presence?”
    “I’ll think of something.”
    “That’s reassuring.”
    He gave her a gimlet stare. “Are you done?”
    She bristled at his double meaning. “Hardly. But you have pressing matters to see to, so

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