
Read Online Boomtown by Lani Lynn Vale - Free Book Online

Book: Boomtown by Lani Lynn Vale Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lani Lynn Vale
one more time at the door to see Sam standing in the doorway just watching.  I gave a small wave, and headed home.   
      Parking in the drive, I headed to the front door and unlocked it. I let Ember and myself in and shut and locked the door. Ember shuffled to the couch and collapsed. She crashed on our couch instead of driving home a lot. There was even a blanket and pillow in the oak chest that served as out coffee table. Since this was normal for her; I let her do her thing as I walked to my bedroom. 
    Closing the door softly behind me I stripped out of my clothes and underwear, and threw on my cotton panties and t-shirt that I found folded nicely in my dresser drawer. Thank you best friend! 
      I heard scratching at my door so I opened it quietly to let Chewy in then closed it quietly behind him again. I walked to my bed as I heard Chewy collapse in the dirty pile of clothes on the floor that Ember didn't get a chance to pick up yet. Situating my pillows, I slid under the covers, placed the pillows exactly how I liked then, grabbed Mr. Bear and closed my eyes. The second my eyes closed I saw those freaking eyes again. God, what the hell is it with those eyes? The eyes come in at a close second as his favorite body parts. My first favorite is of course his smaller Sam that I felt thick and hard poking into my ass when he held my body to his in the bar parking lot. I drifted off thinking about him. 
    “Where’d you go off to?” Max asked. 
      “Bathroom.  Ready to go?” I said to him, shrugging on my jacket, and dropping some money on the table to cover the tab. 
      “Did I see Cheyenne coming from the same direction you just came from?”  Max asked warily.  “You know that she is James’ little sister right?” he said following in my wake. 
      I stopped right outside the bar door and watched Cheyenne leave with her friend.  She had definitely surprised me tonight, but it was a good surprise.  Apparently she wasn’t as immune to me as she came off as being. 
    Later that night
    11:40 p.m.
    The ringing of my phone stopped me when I headed into the bathroom for a shower.  I turned around and picked it up from the nightstand. 
      “Hello?” I answered. 
      “T-this i-is C-Corrine Calloway.  I-I n-need some h-help.” A watery voice said to me. 
      Fuck.  I listened while the girl went on about an abusive husband, and that she was just beaten so bad that the paramedics refused to let her stay with her husband.  They had taken her to a hospital, and one of the bruises there had a name of a man who would help her if she wanted to get out.  That was where I came into the picture.  She was about four hours away, and needed help before her husband made bail. 
      Since I hadn’t fully undressed, I decided to go ahead and take care of her myself.  It was going to be a long rest of the week.    
    Chapter 5
      My alarm buzzed at 6:45 in the morning waking me up. It had been a week and three days since I had last seen Sam. Each time I did a part run I would hope that it was an order for Free. But no such luck. I would think about him constantly throughout my day. What he was doing.  How he smelled. What his tattoos meant. Then I would berate myself. Why on earth was he so important? He didn't even do anything special. He was just an acquaintance, nothing more.  I wasn’t even sure if he’d been serious when he told me to call, if he had wanted me so bad, why didn’t he just call me, or make the first move? I mean what more did it take to show him I was interested?  I gave him a blow job for Christ’s sake!
      Breaking away from thoughts that would get me no where I went to the bathroom and did my business. This consisted of peeing, brushing my teeth, combing my hair, and pulling my hair up into a high pony tail.
      Then, I headed to my dresser and grabbed the only pair of jeans that were left in the dresser.  Apparently I needed to add doing laundry to my list

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