
Read Online Bold by Nicola Marsh - Free Book Online

Book: Bold by Nicola Marsh Read Free Book Online
Authors: Nicola Marsh
Tags: Romance
wanted it as much as he did, there was something about accepting his invitation that made her feel…lonely.
    Crazy, because she was a woman in control, a woman who demanded as good as she got, a woman surrounded by employees and friends on a daily basis, but sitting alone in this beautiful suite, contemplating the many facets Zane had revealed to her, she realized something.
    For the first time in her life, she wanted more than what she had.
    Maybe it was her purposeful man drought, but for some inexplicable reason, Zane sparked something in her, something far deeper than any guy had before. And she wanted to explore that, wanted to delve, wanted to see if she was capable of making more than a superficial connection.
    Considering Zane would be heading back to Australia any time soon, she knew it was plain stupid to think this way. Because transient flings never developed into more. They couldn’t. It’s why she’d deliberately sought them out all these years. And the reason why she’d never had a real relationship.
    Because relationships fostered dependency and emotions and ultimately, loss. The kind of loss that could leave a woman shattered and an empty shell.
    No way in hell did she ever want to be that woman.
    A knock sounded at the door and she stood, smoothed her hair and adjusted her top. Ready to face the world again. Banishing that momentarily loneliness that lingered, making her feel oddly breathless and morose simultaneously.
    She opened the door, surprised to see Zane.
    “Why are you knocking at this door when…” She pointed at the interconnecting door between their suites, hating the uncertainty making her feel a fool.
    “Don’t you remember? Anticipation heightens foreplay.” He filled the doorway, big and bronze and beautiful. Too damn charming. Too damn everything. “Besides, there was another reason I invited you to LA.”
    “That’s what they all say,” she said, trying to resist the relentless urge to grab his shirt lapels and drag him into her room.
    He grinned. “That sponsorship deal you mentioned for Bombshells and the new Aussie Rules comp in Nevada? My dad’s in town, thought you may want to meet him and discuss business.”
    For the second time in as many minutes, Chantal’s throat tightened. Zane wasn’t just a sexy charmer with a body built for sin. He actually listened to what she said; and was trying to help build her business. Could the guy wriggle under her skin any harder if he tried?
    “Thanks, that’s really thoughtful,” she said, brushing a kiss on his cheek, lingering long enough to breathe in a lungful of delicious Aussie male.
    When she pulled back, he looked adorably bashful. “Nice to know you think I’m just a sleaze out to jump your bones though.”
    “Aren’t you?”
    He laughed. “Hell yeah, but Christopher’s downstairs in the lobby waiting for us.”
    “Now?” She glanced down at her black skinny jeans, knee high boots and fuchsia ribbed tank. “I’m not really dressed for business?”
    “You look amazing as always,” he said, resting his hands on her hips. “This is an informal meeting so don’t stress.” He shrugged. “I’m not.”
    That’s when it hit her.
    “Tell me this isn’t the first time you’re seeing your dad.”
    “It’s not.” He had the grace to appear sheepish. “We Skyped last week.”
    “Are you insane?” She placed her hands on his chest and shoved him away. “I’m not crashing this meeting with your dad. It’s your first time talking in person and you need privacy.”
    “I need you,” he said, reaching for her again. “The truth is, I’m not sure if I can face him on my own.”
    Hell, she’d never seen a guy so vulnerable and it slugged her where she feared it most. Her heart.
    She cupped his face and stared into his eyes, eyes that had captured her from the first moment they’d met at Vegas airport. “You need to do this. On your own .”
    “You don’t get it.” He shook his head. “I’m afraid

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