Bohanin's Last Days

Read Online Bohanin's Last Days by Randy D. Smith - Free Book Online

Book: Bohanin's Last Days by Randy D. Smith Read Free Book Online
Authors: Randy D. Smith
Tags: Western
stagecoach makes the route. I have to go to Julesburg.”
    Bohanin nodded. “But you do not have to go alone?”
    â€œAnd you are gallantly offering me your protection?” she said with a smile.
    â€œDon’t let these old bones fool you, Miss Toland. In certain quarters I am considered a man of ability and resourcefulness. I am not a man to be trifled with.”
    â€œI believe you. Believe me when I say that I can think of no better man to be my knight in shining armor.”
    â€œI may look the part, but I am no Don Quixote. I have reason to believe that your life is in danger and I am offering you my protection to Julesburg. If I am wrong, you are certainly no worse off. If I am right, it may mean the difference between life and death.”
    A solemn expression grew across Millie’s face.
    â€œHow would we go?” she asked.
    Bohanin smiled. “In my buggy. It is a new rig and quite well turned out. I could have you in Julesburg before week’s end. From there, you could go your way and I would go mine.”
    â€œJust a pleasant buggy ride with a gallant gentleman,” she smiled.
    â€œNothing more, I assure you,” Bohanin answered.
    â€œYou will allow me to pay you for your expenses?” she asked.
    â€œI won’t argue the point. Pay me or not, it’s entirely up to you.”
    â€œYes, Captain Bohanin, I agree to accept your protection to Julesburg.”
    â€œGood. I’ll have my buggy ready out front at first light,” Bohanin said with a smile.

Chapter VIII
    Starbuck cursed as he watched Bohanin loading the woman’s things into the buggy.
    â€œI knew that old fart was involved in this. Now what the hell do we do?”
    â€œThree thousand dollars is a lot of money. More money than we’ll ever see again in our lifetimes. Killing one more shouldn’t make that much difference,” Nobel answered.
    â€œOne of us should still go back to the ranch and pass the news,” Starbuck suggested. “It could make a difference, although I doubt it.”
    â€œYou’re the better tracker. In this country we’re going to have to give them quite a lead or they’ll spot us,” Nobel said.
    Starbuck nodded. “Fine. We know what trail they’ll follow. I’ll give them an hour or two before I start. If you don’t catch up with me, plan on meeting me near the washes. I’ll be camped in one of the gullies, out of sight.”
    â€œShould I get Espironsa?” Nobel asked.
    â€œNaw, this ain’t no three-man job. We’ll take the old man first then the woman. Make it look like Injuns done it.”
    Starbuck smiled. “By the way they find the woman’s body. Her being a woman and all, we can make it look like the Injuns wanted her.”
    â€œI wondered if you’d get to that,” Nobel said.
    â€œAnd why not? You didn’t think I was going to let all that go to waste. I mean, hell, if it’s good enough for Logan, it sure as hell is good enough for us,” Starbuck grinned.
    â€œFor you. I want no part of that. We’re being paid good money for killing that woman. I don’t know that the boss will take much to our doing that,” Nobel said.
    â€œI hardly think it will make much difference after it’s over. Do you?”
    â€œNo, I guess not,” Nobel said.
    Nobel mounted his horse and rode for the ranch, being careful not to be seen. Starbuck leaned on a hitch rail and spit in the dirt. He covered the spittle with the dust of the street with his boot as he considered how he would leave the evidence to make the assault look like Indians.
    Millie Toland was wearing a plain blue cotton dress and a cape when she exited the boarding house. Netty accompanied her to Bohanin’s buggy.
    â€œI think it is a terribly grand gesture for you to escort Miss Toland to Julesburg, Captain Bohanin. I was hoping you’d spend more time with us,

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