Bittersweet Trust
start, and the tension in the room is going to suffocate me.
    “Is he the guy you’re with?” Corey asks, a scary venom is in his voice. One look at him tells me he’s on the defensive, ready to strike at any moment.
    “No, he’s not. I’m not with anyone, but even if I was, it wouldn’t matter.” I let the words flow freely from my mouth while wanting nothing more than to hold them in. Jenna’s advice comes back to me, and I know I have to follow through with our plan until the end. It’s the only way…
    Corey glowers at me, his eyes stopping at my stomach. His look makes me feel self-conscious; it’s as if he’s examining me.
    “Oh, it matters, Mimi. It will always matter.” I try my hardest to ignore his presence, turning to face the board so I can at least take some notes. I pick up my pen and start scribbling some of the chicken scratch down, not really aware of what I’m writing.
    “Deny me all you want, Mimi, but I promise you that I’ll start all of this over again. I’ll make you hate me so much that you won’t be able to forget about me for a second…” His words are menacing, laced in his own hate and fury.
    I feel my panties growing wet with every ill-mannered word that comes out of his mouth, but I don’t care. I don’t care that he still has a hold, or effect, on me.
    “Threatening me gets you nowhere, Corey. You, of all people, should know I’m submissive to no one.” I put anger into my own words before spitting them at him.
    One of this fingers reaches out, wrapping around a strand of my hair. My insides quiver with a need, and he hasn’t even touched my skin…
    “You’re submissive to me,” he croons in my ear, his hot breath going straight to my core. My insides are trembling, remembering the way he eats me out, how he fucks me until I’m a hot mess…
    Silence passes as I try my hardest to ignore him. My body betrays me, though. It’s as if I can sense his every movement - the way his chest moves when he takes in a breath, the way he shifts his legs, the way his hand grips his pen.
    “I assure you that my heart is, in fact, broken. Your point has been made, my dear Mimi. Now, it’s my turn…” Corey informs me.
    My head is spinning with the meaning behind his words. His turn? I just don’t get it. Is it possible that he figured it out? Is it possible that he knows and he’s playing me too?
    “Remember those games we used to play back in the day? How you would fool me every single time?” I say nothing, pretending I don’t hear him. “Well, I plan on bringing it tenfold. Prepare yourself, baby, because you’re playing a losing game.”
    I turn, looking at him like I never have before, completely taken aback by his words. What is he up to? Just a few days ago he was a complete and utter mess when he left my apartment. Now, it’s as if he’s a new person.
    “I’m not playing any games with you…” I protest, intending to turn around but not really wanting to.
    A smile that melts me into a fucking puddle shows on his face “You’ve been playing games with me since the beginning, Mimi Jones. It’s now time to own up to them.”
    I’m dying inside to tell him it’s game on, but at the same time, I’m confused as to what he’s up to.
    “Assignments are due Monday. Anything that is late with be reduced by ten percent each day,” our professor explains to the class. I almost miss what he’s saying because I feel a hand trace against my thigh under the table.
    I glare at Corey. The asshole would try something here. I brush his hand off, scooting closer to Declan. A fire burns fiercely in Corey’s eyes… I thrive off of it, and my heart beat increases, all the blood in me pooling everywhere but my brain.
    “You’re playing a very dangerous game, love,” he warns, his eyes never leaving mine.
    “I know.”
    The professor continues to talk, but all I can think about is getting out of here as fast as I can the second he dismisses us. Well, that and the

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