Bitten: Dark Erotic Stories
goes around, more cigarettes get lit and passed—each of mine tastes like whichever boy’s mouth it started in. As the fire starts to soften, the edges of their faces fall into shadows, their eyes darken. Patrick presses on one side, Connor’s never left the other. I swear I can feel his skin, even through his clothes. The seam of his jeans bites into my leg where the wind has pushed my skirt up.
    “Let’s do real people,” Patrick says after a bit. He pushes, he cracks his knuckles under his rings, he licks the side of the jug while he watches me—he thinks this makes him the one, but he’s not. I know that as sure as I know the moon is starting its slow descent. It’s Connor, isn’t it, with his blue-blues and his silent, smoky mouth? He’s the one you want for me. For us.
    “Let’s,” I say.
    “Really?” Patrick’s lips curl at the edges, and I think how well you know me. How I would have done it with this dragon-ringed boy, but he’s not the one I would’ve wanted. You knew before I did.
    “Really. Give me my choices.”
    I lean back and rest the side of my hand against Connor’s thigh in the dark as though it is just another piece of wood. He doesn’t move, doesn’t make a sound, and I wonder if he knows that I’ve already chosen.
    Patrick, of course, lays out the choices. “Me,” his grin is almost yellow against the flames of the fire. “Jeremy. Connor.”
    Of course.
    “Patrick, I’d fuck you,” I say. His grin widens, and he rushes for me. I let him. It’s true, I would fuck him in a second. He’d be aggressive in the way that well-behaved dom boys are. He’d work me up slow, make me wet before he turned hard. He’d let me lick his tattoos and bite the black dragon on his hip that he doesn’t know I know about. He’d hold me down without truly holding me down and use his hands, his shiny silver rings, at the curve of my ass. His cock—as long and lean as he is, as milky white—would slip into me, nearly fill me. I’d put my fingers to my clit because he wouldn’t be strong enough to stop me, and I’d come.
    The boys lean forward, wait to hear. The fire licks my face, too, wanting answers. Only the moon and Connor stay quiet, hiding their faces against the dark.
    “Jeremy, I’d have to marry you,” I say. I reach across the space and touch his knee with the hand that isn’t on Connor’s thigh. In the fire-light, his face doesn’t even fall. He is that sweet. The other boys pat his shoulder. No one wants to be the marrying type. It’s the kiss of death.
    “We’d get to live together, though,” I say. “Think of that.” It almost makes him smile. If I could, I’d tell him how it would be. A big house, me waiting for him every evening. The kind of fucking that can only be called “making love.” Soft kisses and smooth sheets and his mouth, so wet and gentle, on my breasts, my belly, between my thighs. His hard pink cock that tastes of salted cream, the way I’d lick it for hours, making him come. And, later, how he’d slide inside me so slow that I’d tell him I loved him, and he’d believe it. And then he’d come with me wrapped around him, in that grateful, quiet way that nice boys do.
    The fire jumps up and cracks the dark. Everyone looks at Connor.
    “That just leaves you, man,” Patrick says to Connor. “Sorry, buddy, that’s harsh.”
    Connor flicks his lighter, inhales smoke from the sky. Oh, the way he turns to me. Fucking blue-blues showing nothing and everything. The slow exhale. The slow smile, tooth by tooth.
    “I’ll live,” he says, flicking his ash, and my skin comes alive, every inch, every cell, lighting up to burn against the cold.
    In the dark, Connor grabs my wrist, hard, and moves my hand to press it down on his cock. The hard pulse of it throbs against my palm. Where I thought there was no room between us before, now there truly is none. His body presses the air from my lungs, makes me gasp. The cigarette in his mouth flares red, a

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