
Read Online Beginnings by Natasha Walker - Free Book Online

Book: Beginnings by Natasha Walker Read Free Book Online
Authors: Natasha Walker
stood at the door, nervous like a deer. If she made one wrong move she feared he would be off down the hall in a flash.
    She stepped out onto the bath mat smiling at him and watching his eyes take her body in.
    ‘I love the way you look at me, Jason.’
    ‘You are beautiful,’ he said.
    ‘Thank you. So are you.’
    Jason frowned, his petulant youthful nature coming through once again.
    ‘Do you like what you see?’ she asked, thinking it banal as she did so and wishing she could come up with better things to say.
    ‘I love you,’ he said.
    ‘Then give me a kiss.’
    Jason’s large body ambled forward and he leant his face to hers. She turned from his kiss.
    ‘Not there,’ she said, as he lifted his face to look at her. ‘Here.’ She raised her foot slightly. She had to curb her actions again. She forgot he had yet to see her naked. She put her foot on the edge of the bath and pushed the towel between her legs so hecouldn’t steal a peek; especially as it was then, wet and hot and thoroughly debauched.
    With one hand holding the towel to her breast and the other against the glass of the shower door Emma was unable to touch her young lover. She wanted to touch him – to take off his t-shirt for one thing. He bent over obediently and gave her foot an uninspiring kiss.
    ‘That is the way you kiss your grandmother.’
    ‘That’s my foot. Not your grandmother’s face. My foot wants you, Jason. Kiss it properly.’
    He knelt down. He placed his lips on the smooth clean skin. Then he thought about what it was he was kissing. Emma’s foot. He looked up at her and she looked down at him calmly. He placed little kisses along her foot and brought his lips against her toes. The bright idea of using his tongue entered his head. He kissed her toes gently with his lips parted, tasting her skin.
    She tasted so fresh. There were droplets of water on her foot, which heightened his appreciation in this moment. He fleetingly compared her soft white skin with what he considered his most favourite expression of freshness. An apple from the fridge in summer. Washed under the tap anddripping. He would love the anticipation of the freshness as much as the actual attainment of the crisp cold apple itself.
    He thought of this as we all tend to think; the idea coming and going unexamined, leaving him with an undefined hunger. He thought of biting and eating her. His cock hardened and pulsed. His tongue darted out between her toes and she giggled. Then he thought to draw a toe into his mouth.
    He moved his body, and sat down on the cool tiled floor with his back against the side of the bath. He held her foot and rested the soft flesh of the ball of her foot against his chin. He looked up at her. She pushed the towel down between her legs, but he wasn’t even thinking of that. He wanted to know if anyone had ever thought of doing this. He took her tiny toe into his mouth. He swirled his tongue around it and sucked on it. He visualised his tongue sucking her skin. He massaged her calf with one hand and kneaded her heel with the other. He then moved onto the next toe.
    His erection was urging him all the while. The pressure it was exerting was substantial. Foreplay was not on his cock’s agenda for the day. In fact,it never would be. There was a slow chant. Come, Come, Come. An insistent and persuasive message which men heeded all too often. But Jason continued to suck on her toes, and took great pleasure in it. He wanted to please. He needed to please. He wanted Emma to be feeling as he felt and more. The chant in his pants continued but obviously Emma’s influence was greater.
    ‘That’s what I wanted. A proper kiss,’ she said, thinking immediately of his hot, inexperienced kisses making their way up her body. She wondered where to take him. The bedroom?
    Then he rubbed his hand along the underside of her leg and under the towel. A moment of alarm became a moment of exhilaration as she thought of him breaking her

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