Balls Fore (Ball Games #4)

Read Online Balls Fore (Ball Games #4) by Andie M. Long - Free Book Online

Book: Balls Fore (Ball Games #4) by Andie M. Long Read Free Book Online
Authors: Andie M. Long
‘but I’ve never had to share him before. He’s mine.’
    Dora tilts her head and sucks on her lip for a moment. ‘He’s not, though, is he, love? He’s both of yours, and they need to get to know each other.’
    I nod my head. Cam hands me a tissue and I blow my nose.
    ‘So, step one. You spend some time at his house on Sunday. Then why don’t you do something like go to Meadowhall? You could wait in a coffee shop or restaurant while he takes Leo to a couple of toy shops. That won’t take more than an hour, then they could join you for something to eat and drink.’
    I sniff again. ‘That sounds an okay idea actually. Yeah maybe that could work.’
    ‘How is it seeing Leo again?’ Cam ventures.
    ‘You mean do I still have feelings for him?’ I close my eyes for a moment. Then I focus my gaze on my best friend. ‘I’m not sure my feelings ever went away, but they complicate things. Anyway, I’m sure I’m the last thing on Leo’s mind. I bet he hates me. I need to put Trey first. It needs to be about our son.’
    ‘Well, I’m not sure I agree,’ says Dora. ‘I think you need to carve out a little time for yourself. You were on constant high alert, even before Leo returned. I’ve seen you and your house. It’s like you’re permanently afraid.’
    ‘I am,’ I agree. ‘Because I don’t want to be judged as a single mother. People saying I can’t cope. I’m proud of the way I’ve raised Trey. He lives in a clean and tidy home. He’s loved.’
    ‘That won’t change if he gets to leave a couple of toys out now and again.’ Dora looks around the house.
    ‘I can’t,’ I admit. ‘I’m scared he’ll trip or fall.’
    She nods. ‘I once sat Cam on a windowsill. She was enjoying herself staring out at the garden. I totally forgot and turned around to put a mug away. The split second I remembered it was too late. Her falling off the side happened in slow motion. She landed on the floor and cried. I felt sure I’d killed her, or caused brain damage at the very least. But there wasn’t a mark on her. Three minutes later, she was giggling as the neighbour’s cat had jumped on the outside windowsill.’ She places a hand on my arm. ‘What I’m trying to say, is that you can put every safety measure available in place, but you can’t be switched on 24/7, and you can bet your life in that one second something will happen. Most of the time it’ll be okay, and if it isn’t, you deal with it anyway because you’re a mum.’
    ‘Are you sure it was me who fell and not Tyler?’ asks Camille. ‘It would explain a lot.’
    ‘No, it was you, love,’ Dora replies. ‘Not to be rude but you were a fat baby. You bounced.’
    I giggle at Cam’s horrified face.
    Dora stands up and knocks imaginary fluff from her trousers. ‘Right, well we’re off now. Cam, ring Dylan and tell him we’ll be outside the Co-op. It's time to leave Beth alone.’
    ‘You can stay until he gets here.’
    ‘No. We can see you have a lot on your mind, love.’ She puts on her coat and shoes. ‘Plus, Cam and I need some gossip time to discuss you before we get in the car.’
    ‘No scheming, Dora, please. I’m working things through with Leo, slowly. We’ll get there. Please don’t interfere.’
    Cam looks at her mum with a raised eyebrow and a smirk.
    ‘Would I?’ says Dora. She kisses my cheek. ‘Night sweetheart. Remember we love you and we’re always here for you.’ She lowers her voice. ‘Now, I wonder how Tim and Tyler got on with their golf lesson?’
    ‘What?’ I yell, but Dora closes the door with a wink.
    God help me.

Chapter Ten
    I’ve never known a week take so long to pass. I don’t think I can do what I said and take it slow. My son’s face appears in my waking thoughts. He’s in my dreams. More than that, though, I can’t stop thinking about Beth. The truth is, I’m looking forward to seeing her again almost as much as I am my son. My brain, the common sense part warns me

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