Bad Girls Do It Better (Bad Boy Billionaire Romance)

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Book: Bad Girls Do It Better (Bad Boy Billionaire Romance) by Aubrey Michelle Read Free Book Online
Authors: Aubrey Michelle
much differently than me. She has always been better at adapting to the situations around her and I always felt like she didn’t understand the problems I was having. I felt like it was better if I dealt with things on my own.
    Not paying attention to where I was going and reflecting on what had taken the place over the course of the evening, I turned the corner and walked right into the chest of a man exiting one of the clubs.
    “Hey, why don’t you watch where the fuck you’re going,” he said, apparently drunk and slurring his words.
    The last thing I wanted to do was get into an altercation with a drunk guy. I’d learned before that there is no winning when it comes to arguing with someone who is inebriated. Instead, I put my head down, apologized for not paying attention to where I was walking and continued on my way. I thought that would be the end of it until he started yelling towards me.
    “Sarabelle, you fucking bitch! What the fuck are you doing out here? You don’t come to the fucking city!”
    I turned around to see who in the hell this guy was. Not only did he have me confused with my sister but he also had a lot of nerve talking to me that way, regardless of who he thought he was speaking to. My heart sank when I realized I was looking directly into the eyes of Kade Nichols. It sickened me to even look at him and suddenly, I had a lot of things I wanted to say.
    “First of all, I’m not Sarabelle. I’m Lexi. Second of all, you have a lot of fucking nerve talking to either one of us after the shit you did to me. Who in the hell do you think you are to take pictures of me and use them to get what you want out of my sister?”
    He was so drunk that he either wasn’t able to comprehend what I was saying to him or he just didn’t care what I was saying. The latter would not have surprised me because he’s the type of person who will argue that he’s right no matter how wrong he is.
    “You’re a fucking bitch Sarabelle. We had a fucking deal. You stole the memory card out of my phone and didn’t fuck me like you were supposed to. I held up my end of the deal.”
    “Kade, are you mental or something? I’m Lexi. I am not Sarabelle. You said it yourself a few minutes ago: Sarabelle does not come into the city, especially to go to bars and clubs. If you want to get technical, you owe me a fucking explanation. You drugged me when you took me out and took advantage of me when I was passed out. You fucking raped me you asshole. The last thing you need to worry about is doing something with my sister. You should be worried about me kicking your fucking ass for what you did to me.”
    “You fucking owe me Sarabelle,” he yelled, still not getting it through his head. “You got what I promised and now it’s time for you to pay up. You’re going to pay your debt to me and you’re going to do it tonight!”
    I’d had enough and knew that the conversation wasn’t going to get us anywhere. I was over it anyway and just wanted to go on about my business. Unfortunately, Kade wasn’t ready to give up as easily. He had his mind made up that I was actually my sister and that I owed him. From out of nowhere, he grabbed me by my arm and yanked me back towards him.
    “Get the fuck back here. You don’t fucking walk away from me when I’m talking to you.”
    He turned violent very quickly. The more I struggled to get away from him, the tighter he would clamp his hand on my arm. I yelled out for someone to help me but there was nobody on the street and there was no way anyone inside the clubs would be able to hear me.
    The music inside was far too loud. Even if it wasn’t, we were in the middle of New York City. That kind of thing happens all the time and nobody bats an eyelash.
    I was resisting with all my might but it wasn’t doing me any good. Kade seemed to have superhuman powers as he dragged me down the street. It made me wonder if he had been

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