Bachelor Father
me talk with the director,” she said, her
gaze still locked with his.
    He shook his head violently, whether as a
reply or to clear his thoughts, Molly wasn’t sure.
    “Don’t bother,” he said, finally. “We’ve been
here before. I talk with you, you talk with them, you talk with me.
Where’s it gotten us? Nowhere.”
    “But, I—”
    “You’ll be hearing from my lawyer, Tina
Cannon. She’s filing a counter action for custody. I’d like to say
it’s been nice, but it hasn’t.”
    Molly thought she saw a flicker of
something—regret, maybe—in his eyes before his expression settled
to stone again. They stood silent for a moment before Brett turned
to leave.
    “Wait,” Molly said. “I'll call you when I know
    He muttered something indiscernible on his way
    Charles plunked down his briefcase on his
desk. “Good to see you back. How are you feeling?”
    “Okay,” she said distractedly.
    “Say, was that your favorite client I saw
stalking out of here?” he asked.
    “Yes.” She shook her head. “I mean no. I don’t
know what I mean.” He’d done it again. Brett had left her totally
flustered. She took a calming breath. “Yes, that was Brett Cahill,
but I don’t think he’s a client any longer.”
    “How’s that?”
    Molly squirmed, thinking that Charles might in
some way think this was her fault, that she’d fallen down on the
job. Perhaps it was. Had she said something in the home study
update that caused KCW to take action against Brett?
    Evading Charles’ question, Molly asked, “Did
you know KCW has directed us to reassume custody of Brett’s nephew
    “No, the director hasn’t said anything to me,
but she was down in New York on Thursday and Friday.”
    “His situation really bothers me, Charles.
It’s so uncaring on KCW’s part to deny him the opportunity to adopt
his nephew.”
    “Wait a minute. Aren’t you the person who a
couple of weeks ago thought it would be in the child’s best
interest to place him with a couple, rather than his single
    “I know.” Molly shook her head in defeat.
“That was before I saw how good Brett is with Jake. Jake might not
be of his own blood, but he’s the only family Brett has
    Charles started to say something, but was
interrupted by the phone. “Yes. Okay. I’ll tell her.”
    Hanging up, he turned to Molly. “The director
wants to meet with us in her office right now. Hopefully, we’ll
find out what’s going on with your Mr. Cahill.
    That evening Molly sat curled on the couch in
her soft flannel robe, sipping herbal tea and ostensibly reading
the newspaper classifieds. A cheery fire crackled in the fireplace.
Folding the paper and putting it aside, she thought about the
reminder she’d received from the condominium management board
today. The board wanted her answer on the sale offer within thirty
    When she’d taken the caseworker position at
Thayer House, Molly had carefully combed the available rental
listings to find the right place, somewhere she could call home.
Fortunately, Charles and Linda had let her stay with them until she
    The condo, with its fireplace, cathedral
ceiling, and large loft bedroom was perfect—even though the
mortgage payments would stretch her paycheck to the limit. And
owning the condo would give her roots, make her feel like she
belonged somewhere. But she needed a 20% down payment.
    Restless, she walked across the chocolate
brown carpet to the window, the thick pile soft beneath her bare
feet. Funny, the power little pieces of paper had to wreak havoc in
peoples’ lives. Her mother’s trust agreement, the management
corporation’s reminder, the letter the director of adoptions had
sent to Brett.
    Taking another sip of tea, she looked out the
window. Stars twinkled brightly in the cold night sky while
moonlight played on the greens and browns of the pinebush that
stretched for acres behind the complex. What a welcome change from
the noisy

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