B013U5A18C (A)

Read Online B013U5A18C (A) by Jessie Donovan - Free Book Online

Book: B013U5A18C (A) by Jessie Donovan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jessie Donovan
Tags: FICTION / Romance / Paranormal
hadn’t told anyone, not even her brother, and she wanted to share it with Kai first.
    Jane nearly faltered at that thought. She’d only known him a few days. And yet, it was true—she wanted Kai to be the first to know about her plans. He wouldn’t just smile and nod. If it was a crap idea, he’d say so. And she needed that.
    Moving closer to Kai, she wrapped an arm around his waist. “Back to my idea, do you still want to hear it?”
    She laughed. “Straight to the point as always.” Kai grunted and she put up a hand. “Okay, okay. I want to do a series of audio and video podcasts centering around your clan. The audio reports would be for those who don’t want to be recognized and we can even alter their voices, if need be. The video podcast would focus on certain aspects of dragon-shifter life and act as an introductory guide to understanding your kind. If Melanie Hall-MacLeod gives her blessing, I’d like to use her book as a starting point. After that, the possibilities are endless, especially if I can get Lochguard to participate, too.”
    “You’ve been thinking about this for a while.”
    “Yes, but none of my BBC producers wanted to commit to such a long series and I didn’t want to stop after only three or six episodes. I want to create something that makes the listener or watcher feel a part of the clan. And, most importantly, I wanted everyone involved to feel like they were making a difference, too.”
    “I would have to approve your footage.”
    “Of course. The last thing I want to do is endanger Stonefire, especially since it might soon be my clan.”
    Kai remained quiet for a second and she worried she’d assumed too much too soon. Kai had asked her to stay, but nothing formal had been arranged. Were there some sort of protocols she had to go through first?
    Before she could think too much more on the subject, Kai finally answered, “Both my dragon and I like that you think of Stonefire’s safety. But putting that aside, I’m not sure why you went after the dragon hunters. Your ‘Better Know a Dragon-shifter Clan’ idea is far better.”
    She noted him brushing aside her statement about Stonefire becoming her clan and decided she would bring it up later. “Are you just saying that because you want to get into my pants?”
    Amusement danced in Kai’s eyes. “I don’t think I need to butter you up to get into your pants.” He lowered his voice. “All I need to do is kiss you and you’d start rubbing against me, Janey.”
    Remembering the last time she’d kissed Kai sent a rush of heat through her body. In the next second, the corner of Kai’s mouth ticked up and approval flashed in his eyes.
    She poked his side. “Behave or I’ll tell Dr. Sid that you haven’t been following orders. Then you’ll have to spend all of your time with Ginny.”
    He growled. “You wouldn’t dare.”
    Tilting her head, Jane smiled. “Wouldn’t I? As I recall, you mentioned a war. I’m just trying to win.”
    Kai moved behind her before she could do more than blink and wrapped his muscled arm around her waist. The heat of his chest on her back, combined with his masculine scent, made her heart beat double-time. 
    Kai whispered, “I want you under me more than my next breath, Jane Hartley. And I will do whatever it takes to win if it means I can feel your tight, wet pussy around my dick.”
    Jane’s breath hitched. She wanted the same thing, not that she’d let him know that just yet.
    She swallowed before she replied, “Taking me before you’re cleared will definitely bring down the wrath of Dr. Sid. Keep your dick in your pants for a little while longer, Kai Sutherland. Then we’ll see.”
    Kai nuzzled her neck and nipped it lightly. “We’re a little early for my appointment and I have ideas of how we can spend our extra time.”
    She turned her head. “So do I. You can feed me something. I’m starving.”
    Kai’s pupils flashed to slits and back. “Bloody fantastic.

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