April Kihlstrom

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Book: April Kihlstrom by The Dutiful Wife Read Free Book Online
Authors: The Dutiful Wife
reverie when Melody cried out. Immediately Rothwood was on his feet and running to where her sister lay on the ground crying. He knelt beside Melody and his voice was gentle as he asked, “Where have you hurt yourself?”
    “My ankle. I must have stepped in a rabbit hole. It will not bear my weight.”
    “I’ll carry you back up to the house,” Rothwood said and bent to put action to the words.
    “No!” Melody held out a hand in protest. “Please? I do not want to miss the fun. If you will help me over to where I can sit in the shade, I am sure I will be better soon.”
    Rothwood shook his head. “You will not be better soon,” he told her. “I can see your ankle already beginning to swell. Forgive me, but I must check to see if it is broken.”
    He felt Melody’s ankle, then gave a sigh of relief. “Not broken,” he said. “I shall carry you over to the pond. You may sit on that rock and keep your ankle in the water. The cold will help it recover faster. I know,” he added with a rakish grin, “because as a boy I was forever running about, stepping in holes and turning my foot the wrong way. My tutor taught me early on about the benefits of cold water. He had to, for he had no wish to cater to an invalid.”
    That made Melody laugh and Beatrix could have kissed Rothwood for his kindness to her sister. Not one word of scolding passed his lips, nor did he stop to think about propriety as he lifted her as though she were a featherweight and carried her to the spot where he and Beatrix had been sitting a short time before. Mind, he recovered himself once he had set her down and quickly backed away saying, “I shall leave it to you to remove your stocking and soak your ankle.”
    He seemed so stiff and remote that he might have been another man entirely than the one who had sat with Beatrix by the pond or reassured her sister about her ankle. Would he be like this with her when they were married?
    And then the other Rothwood was back, the kind and gentle one who stopped her brothers from teasing Melody. He didn’t scold them, either, but rather gave them tasks to carry out, such as finding various creatures that tended to live around the pond. Mama would not be happy if they brought back a toad, but the search would keep her youngest brothers, the twins, busy for some time. To Adrian, he spoke man to man, asking his help keeping up Melody’s spirits and to watch for signs that the damage to her ankle was worse than expected. Harold he set in charge of the twins, saying confidentially, “For you and I both know what kind of mischief boys their age are bound to stumble into.” Callista he enlisted to oversee everyone.
    In just a few short moments, Rothwood had everything in hand and her brothers and sisters delighted with the roles allotted to each. He would, Beatrix thought, make an extraordinary father. That alone almost tempted her to accept his proposal here and now. If, that is, he had officially asked her.
    He was always kind, it seemed. Look how he had arranged for food and wine and delicacies to be brought to the Trowley household, claiming it was for selfish reasons. But Beatrix had noticed how sparingly he ate and the smile with which he watched her family consume food far better than what they could usually afford. Yes, Lord Rothwood seemed the veriest paragon of virtues.
    At the same time, Beatrix could not help feeling a little wary. Was this all too good? Would he truly be this way once they were married? She had seen friends marry men who seemed the most devoted of suitors turn into monsters once the marriage ceremony had taken place. How could she be certain that would not happen with Rothwood? Even the best of husbands had their faults. Look at Papa. Mama swore no man could please her more, but his gambling kept them at the brink of disaster. As dearly as she wished to believe in the Lord Rothwood she saw before her right now, fear still kept her wary.
    * * *
    Rothwood turned to Miss Trowley,

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