Any Witch Way

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Book: Any Witch Way by Annastaysia Savage Read Free Book Online
Authors: Annastaysia Savage
is or my name isn’t Tara of the Isle.”  
    When she spoke the last part of the sentence, her voice had risen and immediacy was felt in the words. The earth seemed to respond to those words and a rumble was felt, not so much like an earthquake, but more like an earth shiver. The creatures that seemed to live in her aura flitted about nervously before settling back down on her shoulders and hair. Tara herself seemed to become illuminated from the inside out, and her radiance shown brilliantly in the fire lit room, her brilliant red hair giving off the most intensity. The centaur smirked a little and cleared his throat.
    “It’s true, Your Greatness. We had to leave before she was told of anything, and midnight came and went in a small battle with the turncoats. I didn’t think it my place to tell the girl because...well, I couldn’t very well run, fight and carry her on my back, at least not very well, and all the while telling her very vital details about her life. It just didn’t seem plausible. I have delivered her to you safely, and if I am no longer needed, I shall take my leave,” Zeno said with the utmost respect towards Tara.
    He looked tired, and Sadie felt a pang of sympathy for him.
    “Aye, of course ya cen. I’m sorry, my friend; it’s been a long night here, as well. I’ve ‘ad six dozen or so winter elves to heal who suffered terrible wounds from their battle with the Syndicate and I….” She took a deep breath. “That’s not your worry; take your leave warrior, and I’ll see you again soon, my dear comrade,” spoke Tara as she hugged the centaur once again.
    She went to the door with him, put three fingers up to her face, touching her forehead and then her heart and then touched them to his chest. She hugged him once more and sent him into the night. As Tara was shutting the door, Sadie ran to it, wanting to tell Zeno thank you and goodbye, but he’d already disappeared into the cool dark night.
    “Let him go, Sadie; he’s got work of his own to do. Fighting the Syndicate takes all of our manpower. And he has his own personal demons to conquer when it comes to them, pardon the pun. I’m sure you’ll see him again, you can thank him then,” said Tara with a warm smile.
    “How did you know I wanted to thank him?” queried Sadie.
    With a chuckle, Tara responded, “I’m Tara from the Isle. The Isle being Ireland in case you’ve no learnin’ ‘bout that as well. No worries though, I’m ‘ere to take good care of ya now.”
    Sadie felt her stomach growl long before the sound resonated up and all through the room. Her face flushed red and she looked down at the floor.
    “Aw, you’re hungry, little lamb. Don’t need me powers to figure that one out. ‘Ere, come sit and I’ll fix ya something. You can eat and then sleep. You’re probably feeling a bit wonky at this point.”
    “I do have the worst headache I’ve ever had, and my chest feels strange,” said Sadie as Tara led her to the table and pulled out a chair for her.
    “That be the change, love, you’re okay. ‘Tis best to sleep through it, I always say,” Tara said as she spooned something wonderful smelling from the cauldron.
    She then swept her right hand over the table in front of Sadie; as she did so, a steaming pot of tea appeared as well as desserts of every kind.
    “Eat now, then you’ll sleep, and I’ll fill you in on everything tomorrow. My shamrock! ‘Tis almost three in the mornin’. Oh, and don’t worry, you be safer ‘ere than anywhere else on this planet, our world or your former one. Remember, I’m Tara fr….”
    “From the Isle, I know, I know,” Sadie said in unison with her.
    The two smiled at each other, and Sadie dug into the bowl before her with all the ferocity of a crazed badger. It was filled with the most delicious chicken and dumplings she had ever been witness to and privy to taste. Before Sadie could make it to her fourth spoonful, her head was lying on the table, and she was fast

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