Andrea Kane

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Book: Andrea Kane by Theft Read Free Book Online
Authors: Theft
antipathy flashing in her eyes. “What is it?”
    “No one has ever dared speak to me in such a manner.”
    “Then perhaps it’s time someone did,” Noelle retorted, undeterred by his claim. “Maybe my insolence will cause you to reconsider your unscrupulous behavior. I certainly hope so—not for my sake, but for the sake of all the unsuspecting, wealthy young women you have yet to seduce.”
    To Noelle’s surprise, a smile curved Baricci’s chiseled lips. “You are a fiery little thing,”—he acknowledged, something akin to pride gleaming in his dark eyes—“appallingly brazen though you may be. I never considered the notion of fatherhood, but, being that it’s found me, I must say I’m rather pleased with the results.”
    “You’re not my father, Mr. Baricci,” Noelle returned, yanking her arm free. “Don’t ever forget that.”
    “Fair enough.” He shrugged. “But I am your sire. Maybe we should use this opportunity we’ve been given to get to know each other.”
    “I know all I need to know about you.”
    “You know only what was specified in an investigator’s report. I assure you, there’s a great deal more to me than can be summed up on paper.”
    “I doubt it.”
    “Don’t. Further, even if you have exhausted your curiosity with regard to me—which I doubt, given your obviously inquisitive nature—perhaps you’ll return the favor. Allow me to get to know you.”
    Baricci paused, clearing his throat and rubbing his palms together. “Let’s begin again. I apologize for interrogating you about your motives for being here. I’m not accustomed to dealing with people who don’t want something of me. As for the past—my renouncing you, taking no part in your life—I’d apologize for that as well, were the whole idea of doing so not totally ludicrous at this late date. What’s done is done. We can’t change the past. We can, however, reshape the future. Today could be the first step toward that—if we want it to be.”
    Noelle took an inadvertent step backward, assessing Baricci’s striking, composed veneer. Did he actually expect her to believe and accept his sudden change of heart?
    “Why?” she demanded. “Why now and not eighteen years ago? Why suddenly today, when I’m standing before you, and of my initiative—might I remind you—not yours?”
    “An excellent question; one I’m not sure how to answer. Perhaps it’s because now that I’ve met you, you intrigue me. Perhaps it’s because I see my own quick mind and clever tongue reflected in you. Or perhaps it’s because now that you’re real, now that you’re no longer just an intangible entity, I find I do have feelings after all.”
    Silently, Noelle considered his words, tried to determine if there could possibly be a shred of sincerity in them.
    A clock in the gallery chimed three.
    “I must get back to Farrington Manor,” Noelle announced, apprehension gripping her as she realized the time.
    Baricci’s eyes narrowed as he contemplated her unsettled reaction. “Farrington doesn’t know you’re here, does he?” he guessed shrewdly. Seeing the flash of guilt dart across Noelle’s face, he chuckled. “He doesn’t. You got here on your own— and without your parents’ knowledge. Very resourceful.” He patted her shoulder, as if she’d done a wonderful, commendable deed rather than a deceitful one. “I’m impressed. I also understand your need to hurry home. If Farrington were to discover your absence, much less where you’d gone …”
    “I plan to tell him.”
    “Do you?”
    “Yes. Unlike you, Mr. Baricci, I’m not a liar. Nor am I a fraud.”
    “Good. Then, since the earl will soon know of your visit, there’s no reason why I can’t communicate with you directly at Farrington Manor.”
    Noelle went rigid. “You can’t do that.”
    “Why not? Because your parents wouldn’t approve?”
    “No. Because I wouldn’t approve.” Noelle shook her head. “I came here only to see you, Mr.

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