Ancient Guardians: The Uninvited
at the ocean. She crossed her arms and faced this memory as if she were looking her father in the eyes. “He left me,” she said coldly. A shiver of guilt coursed through her as she tried to work through her emotions of anger. She sighed softly, and looked up at Levi. His handsome face displayed nothing but love and concern for her.
    Levi traced his fingers along her forehead, and his gentle touch calmed her further.
    Reece sighed again. “I’m really sorry about this. I truly thought I had made peace his death. How can I possibly be angry at someone for dying?” She sighed in defeat. “Even when I went to settle out the last of his estate before I was brought to Pemdas, I felt so much better about letting him go and moving on.”
    “My love, you mustn’t fault yourself for having these emotions.” He embraced her again. “Those who survive the death of a loved one are left with emotions that manifest themselves in many ways. The best thing to do is to embrace them, and know that it is your way of working through your loss. There is no right or wrong emotion, but how you react to them can either benefit you, or harm you.” He affectionately brought his lips to her forehead. “You are never wrong to express them, as the more you do, you’re releasing them and becoming that much closer to healing. That is not weakness; it is the single bravest act a person can do.” He tilted her chin up so her eyes would meet his. “He will always be a part of your life, if only through your memories now.”
    Reece studied Levi’s expression. “He would have definitely approved of you.”
    Levi flashed a tiny grin. “Is that so?” he said, with an arch of his brow. “A man from another world?” he teased. He caressed her cheek. “I will promise you this, my love; I will spend every day of my life ensuring that you are loved beyond measure, and that whether or not I have your father’s consent of marriage, he will not be displeased with my care of his daughter.”
    Levi knelt down and removed the straps of her left shoe. Reece’s heart skipped several beats as he tenderly caressed her ankle. He ran his fingers along the flesh of her calf muscle as he slowly removed the strap of her heel. After her shoes were removed, he interlaced the straps into his long fingers and rose up.
    “Now, from what I recall, the woman I fell helplessly in love with has always enjoyed walking through the surf,” He kissed her lips briefly, “and feeling the warm sand beneath her bare feet.”
    “I love you so much.” Reece said as she wrapped her arms tightly around him. She dug her toes into the warm sand, absorbing the velvety texture against the bottoms of her feet. “Will you be joining me?”
    Levi gazed at her for a moment before answering. “I believe I will be most fortunate to have the opportunity of admiring you strolling through the water from a distance.”
    Reece glanced down at Levi’s polished, black shoes. “What a pity. I would’ve thought a Guardian would be much more adventuresome.”
    Levi arched his eyebrow, and smiled in response to her challenging statement. “Well, if you must put it that way, Miss Bryant.” he said, as he bent down and began removing his shoes and cuffing his slacks, “It would be my greatest pleasure to join you on an adventurous stroll along the shore.”
    They spent the next hour or so enjoying the solitude of the beach together. They walked through the shallow waves, holding hands and laughing when the unexpected larger waves caught them by surprise. On more than one occasion, Levi seized her firmly around her waist and drew her body tightly against his, kissing her ardently. It was more than enjoyable sharing these moments with him and Reece was content in every way.
    When Reece was ready to move on, Levi helped her onto Areion, and used the vast, empty beach to his advantage. To Reece’s greatest delight, they rode along the sands of the beach almost the entire way to the Oxley’s

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