Ancient Guardians The Legacy of the Key

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Book: Ancient Guardians The Legacy of the Key by SL Morgan Read Free Book Online
Authors: SL Morgan
be able to see the information locked inside your mind.”
    “Oh.” She thought a
minute. “Well, how do you know these Ciatron people haven’t already taken the
information from me? Maybe it’s not even there anymore.”
    Levi exhaled
softly. “Miss Bryant, the Ciatron are not the only individuals who can see into
people’s minds.” He stared intently at her.
    It took her a
moment to understand what he was saying. “You’re telepathic. You’ve been
reading my mind all this time?” She edged away a little.
    Levi laughed, but
he looked concerned, too. “It’s not as you imagine, Reece. Yes, we have that
capability, but we have control over it. We would never intrude into anyone’s
thoughts, unless their safety demands it.”
    Reece lowered her
head. “And just when I was starting to appreciate your stories.”
    “You have nothing
to fear, your mind is protected. Your thoughts are constantly rewriting
themselves; they are scrambled to those with the ability to read them. Trying
to read your mind is disorienting, to say the least.”
    Reece turned back
to him. “So—you’ve tried?”
stared at her intently. “As I said, only for protection. We had to see if the
Ciatron had found a way into your mind, and discovered you were the one they
were searching for. The one disguised as your father—we saw the effect he had
on you. We had to make sure your mind hadn’t let down its defenses.”
    “The thought of
having my mind read—ugh. Well, at least good old Granddad thought ahead and
protected me from that.” She gave a small, bitter laugh. “So the Ciatron guy
didn’t get his information from me, then?”
    “No, and that’s
what was happening in the park. They planned to take you into their world, and
retrieve the information through other methods.”
    “Other methods? Um,
what other methods?”
    Levi’s countenance
grew dark, “Methods that don’t include consideration for your well-being,
Reece. They would find a way to scrape the information out of your mind. The
Ciatron don’t care if they leave a brain intact when they’re done, either. This
is why our ancestors swore to yours, and all other worlds, that we would
protect the Key. Since you are the last of your ancestor’s bloodline, the map
is within only you now. You are the Key. We couldn’t take chances with your
welfare. It is why we brought you into our world. No other being, including the
Ciatron, can pass through the defensive barriers of Pemdas; you are perfectly
protected here. I hope you can see why we felt it necessary to bring you here.”
barriers? Was that the bright light that flashed in the car earlier, when we
should have crashed into the mountainside?”
    Levi grinned, “No.
That was the vortex we drove through from Earth into the dimension of Pemdas.
We use our cars to pass through vortices; our horses are the only way to pass
over the protective barriers of Pemdas.”
    She remembered the
horses jumping into the air, “The gray mist was the protective barrier?”
    Levi nodded. “Yes.
And with that knowledge, I hope you will feel that you are safe here. Nothing
can cross over those barriers without our horses.”
      “Uh, yeah, I
guess. So, why do the Ciatron want to destroy all the dimensions anyway?”
      “It is not
destruction they seek, but control… destruction is merely a by-product of this
    Reece stared at
Levi quizzically, “Control? Control of what?”
    “Control over all
of the dimensions out there. The need for total power has always consumed the
Ciatron. If the stone was in their possession, they would have the power they
need to destroy any dimension that refused to serve under them. Right now, with
the stone hidden away, the Ciatron cannot achieve their greatest desire.”
    “Unless, of course,
they find it…with the map that’s in my head? Well, isn’t that just fantastic
for me?” Reece returned sarcastically.
    Levi nodded,
“Unfortunately, yes.”

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