
Read Online Allegiant by Sara Mack - Free Book Online

Book: Allegiant by Sara Mack Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sara Mack
Tags: Romance, Coming of Age, Paranormal, college, Ghost, Michigan
from us. “Emma! God! You
were almost hit!”
    I look at him stupidly as I try to regain my
balance. “Sorry,” I mutter.
    Garrett helps me to my car and places me
inside. I close my eyes and rest my head against the passenger side
window the entire way home. Thankfully it’s a short distance
because my stomach is very unhappy.
    When we get to the apartments, Garrett
escorts me to my place. He helps me inside and starts to deposit me
on the couch. The downward motion makes my insides churn.
    “ No!” I choke out.
    He helps me to the bathroom where I dive to
my knees in front of the toilet. I’m too sick to be embarrassed as
he holds my hair while I retch. When my stomach stops convulsing, I
lean over and rest my head against the cool porcelain of the
    “ I’ll get you a glass of
water,” he says and leaves the room.
    The longer I lie there with my eyes closed,
the more the room feels like it’s standing still again. What a
horrible day this has been. First Dane, then Rebecca. I almost get
run over, and then I get sick in front of Garrett. I think about
crawling into my bedroom on my hands and knees, so I can hide under
the blankets on my bed.
    That’s when I hear the voices. It takes me a
minute to focus, but I swear I can hear two people talking. I open
my eyes and tentatively sit forward. I push myself to stand using
the toilet for balance, and hear someone angrily say, “Where have
you been?” I make it to the bathroom doorway and peer around the
    “ Where have I been? Where
were you tonight? She managed to get herself stupid drunk and was
almost hit by a car!”
    “ I’ve been trying to do
what you told me to,” James seethes.
    “ I didn’t tell you to get
her killed!” Garrett fires back.
    I blink my eyes. James is in my living
    And he’s arguing with my neighbor.

C hapter 6
    James takes a step forward. “I felt the
pull,” he snaps.
    “ And you just ignored it?”
Garrett asks, shocked.
    “ No! It disappeared as
quickly as it came!” He moves toward Garrett with his fists
clenched. “Can you explain that to me? Can you explain why that
keeps happening?” The two of them are nose to nose as James sneers,
“Can you explain why nothing works the way you said it
    Garrett doesn’t flinch under James’ icy
stare. He crosses his arms. “I thought I’d trained you better than
    “ Better than what?” James
steps away, frustrated. “From what I’ve been told, you barely
trained me at all!”
    “ Who have you been talking
to?” Garrett asks, narrowing his eyes.
    James gives him a cold smile. “Wouldn’t you
like to know.”
    I’m mesmerized, clinging to
the bathroom door jamb for support. My neighbor Garrett was James’
Guardian all along. All along.
    Garrett nods at James approvingly. “Your
confidence has grown.”
    “ Don’t try to flatter me,”
James spits. “I’m not under your guidance anymore. I don’t need
your approval. Not after what you’ve done.”
    Garrett tilts his head. “And just what have
I done?”
    James’ eyes flash. “You disappeared. You
assigned me and then you disappeared.”
    “ You were
    “ You know I wasn’t!” James
growls. “You left Emma’s fate in the hands of a Guardian who can’t
protect her!” He face hovers inches from Garrett’s. “And for that I
will never forgive
    Seconds pass and Garrett stares at James
accusingly. “You still love her.”
    James sets his jaw. “I never stopped.”
    My breath catches. These months apart have
been for nothing?
    “ You have to get your
feelings under control,” Garrett says.
    “ You think I don’t know
that?” James asks. “That lesson I did learn.”
    LB appears at my feet, meowing softly, as if
asking what’s going on. I bend down carefully to pick her up before
her mewling distracts them, but when I stand, I’m too late. Both
James and Garrett have directed their attention toward me.
    “ Hi,” I say quietly.

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