Agent Hill: Reboot
neck and waist had done their jobs. A wake broke out behind her as she trudged through the water as fast as her feet would take her.
    Sarah looked for any sentries along the shoreline. Up until one hundred yards out, the coast was clear. She dropped to the water as a Jeep rounded the east side of the island along the beach.
    “Two guards, both armed with assault rifles,” Bryce said. “You’ll have a three-minute window after they round to the west side of the island before they make it back.”
    It was the first time Bryce had spoken to her since he’d sent her the files for the mission to nab Finley. “It would have been nice to have known that before they rounded the corner.”
    “Oh, you didn’t see that?” Bryce’s words were sharp, and Sarah could feel the sting even from nine thousand miles away. His tone didn’t surprise her, but what did was how much it hurt. Bryce had been the one constant in her life for a long time, and the fact that he was so cold now only caused her to burrow deeper within herself, slowly losing what was left of any emotional attachment to anything or anyone.
    The Jeep disappeared around the bend, and the water dripped from the zippers of her jacket. The sun beat down on her back and evaporated whatever coolness remained. Her boots shifted in the sand as she pushed her way up the beach toward the palm and coconut trees.
    The fallen palm leaves littered the ground, and no matter how hard Sarah tried to out-maneuver the dead branches, her boots crunched over them in a hurried succession. She moved slowly, making sure to take her time to search the ground for anything that could kill her or give away her position.
    “I need a head count,” Sarah said, finally able to see the back side of Finley’s house.
    “Twelve men, including the two in the Jeep scanning the beaches,” Bryce said. “Four men doing sweep passes on each corner of the house outside, and the remaining six are spread out inside the house. It looks like they’ve got a close watch on Finley.”
    “Copy that.”
    A silence fell between them, and Sarah felt Bryce wanted to say more but didn’t. She eyed the guard on the southeast corner on the balcony of the second floor. Underneath him sat a cluster of trash cans and a small ledge that jutted out from the side of the building. She kept herself hidden in the cluster of bushes with leaves like needles. “No sensors in the field?”
    “Everything came back negative,” Bryce answered.
    Sarah raised the Colt in her right hand and fired, turning the guard’s head into nothing more than a lump of mushy flesh and bone. Two seconds after she fired her pistol, the silence was cut with the din of alarms. She maneuvered from her current position and headed north, keeping her eye on the house.
    “What are you doing?” Bryce asked.
    “Just keep me updated on the guards’ locations,” Sarah answered, her words as short as the quick breaths from her sprint. Before Bryce had to tell her about the two guards in the Jeep, it roared through the brush, and Sarah sent two bullets through the windshield and into the driver’s chest. Sarah rolled left, just missing the Jeep’s front bumper and the bullets coming from the passenger side as the Jeep careened out of control.
    “Three guards from inside the house are heading toward you right now,” Bryce said. “And the three on the second-floor perimeter are on their way as well.”
    Leaves and sand kicked up from Sarah’s roll. She rose wielding both pistols and fired into the rear window, splitting the back of the passenger’s head open as the Jeep smashed into one of the palm trees. Shouts from the other guards grew closer as Sarah dumped the body of the driver onto the ground and shoved the other man out the door.
    The front windshield dripped with blood, and the two bullet holes from her first attack obscured any view from the driver’s position. She shoved her heels into the windshield’s corners until the glass gave way

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