Aella's Song

Read Online Aella's Song by Jade Buchanan - Free Book Online

Book: Aella's Song by Jade Buchanan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jade Buchanan
Tags: Paranormal, Erotic, menage, mermaid
    What do you think you’re doing? Damon asked him, confusion in his voice.
    Pythias angled his body, keeping Linos in his line of sight, but able now to see Damon holding Aella close to his chest.
    We don’t know for sure that he wasn’t merely doing the bidding of Zeus. I cannot kill him if he was just a pawn in all of this.
    He killed her seals. He made her cry.
    Even I won’t kill a man just for making Aella cry.
    You know this won’t end. He’s not sane.
    Damon, don’t ask this of me. I beg you.
    Damon paused, nodding his head. Forgive me, Pyth, I forgot myself. I don’t like that he will walk away without any repercussions for his actions.
    “Who said anything about him walking away?”
    A bright flash of light entered the room, hitting Linos squarely. The man fried right before their eyes, his expression frozen in fear before his body disintegrated.

Chapter Five
    Aella froze, staring at her father. “What?” She knew she was gaping, but she hadn’t expected this turn of events.
    “I always hated that whiny little man. Good riddance.” Poseidon frowned, lowering his trident.
    He turned to Aella, holding open his arms. With a cry of joy, she ran to him, letting him lift her up in a massive bear hug. Leaning back, she studied him.
    “Where were you? I tried calling you and calling you, but you wouldn’t answer. The seals are dead, that crummy man poisoned them to get back at you for something that happened millennia ago and I’ve finally found someone I want to spend my life with. Someones, actually. You won’t believe all that’s --”
    “Breathe, Aella,” he interrupted. “I know what’s happened.”
    “How can you possibly know? You haven’t even been here.”
    “Have you forgotten where you’re standing? Anything and everything that happens within one of my temples instantly becomes known to me. When you entered, Zeus lost his hold on you and I was able to break the blockage he put in place.”
    Poseidon looked behind her. “It appears you’ve found my men.”
    Aella slowly extracted herself from her father’s embrace, blushing madly. “Uh, yeah.”
    Pythias appeared on her left, Damon on her right. Both men bowed their heads to Poseidon, remaining silent.
    Guess this is all up to me to explain. She bit her lower lip.
    We are here with you, do not fear. Damon’s voice calmed her and she sent him a grateful smile.
    Yeah, we’re here with you. Although I’d give anything to be balls deep within you at the moment.
    Aella smacked Pythias in the chest, glaring at his smirking face. My father could have heard that, you moron.
    “You’re father did hear that.” Poseidon shook his head.
    “Kill me now,” Aella moaned, burrowing her face in her hands.
    “Now, now, you know better than to say things like that in front of a god. I may just take you up on it one of these days if you aren’t careful.”
    “Poseidon, we have been your loyal men for centuries and I would ask now for a boon.” Pythias squared his shoulders, stepping in front of her. She placed her hand on his back, confused.
    “Anything you ask will be granted to you.” A twinkle appeared in his eye as Poseidon studied the men who looked so serious. What were they doing? Aella stepped back, watching as both Pythias and Damon went down to one knee in front of her father.
    “Release us from service. We belong with your daughter, if she will have us.” Pythias looked back at her, a hint of vulnerability on his face. She turned her head, bringing her hands up to her face again to touch her heated cheeks. Damon studied her from beside Pythias, a question in his eyes.
    “Father,” she started. She didn’t know how to ask this, or even if it was something the men wanted. But she couldn’t let this chance go when he was standing right in front of her. They were his men, but she wanted both Damon and Pythias. She’d risk her father’s wrath if it meant being with them. She was in love with the exasperating

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