A Thin Line

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Book: A Thin Line by DL White Read Free Book Online
Authors: DL White
manner of electronics as well as a number of game consoles; and the kitchen, which is spotless except for a blender, a bottle of tequila and drink mix sitting out on the slate grey marble counter. 
    I stop in the kitchen and turn to Preston.  He leans over the counter, taking a swallow of the bottle he has brought with him from the patio.
    "What's up? I'm busy, obviously."
    I chuckle, leaning a hip against the opposite counter. "You don't even know her name."
    He thinks for a moment, then perks up. "Jade. Her name is Jade."
    I smile. "Of course it is. She looks like a stripper. Pardon... exotic dancer."
    "She's a grad student. And a damn good waitress. Not that it's any of your business."
    "It sure isn't, thank God. She looks awfully young."
    Preston snickers. "Jealous?"
    "More like disgusted. She looks like she sees your fancy clothes and fancy house and wants some of your fancy money."
    "Again, I ask... jealous?"
    "Just watch yourself, alright? You run through women like underwear. You're not very discriminating."
    "Obviously," he throws back. And I deserve that, walked right into it. "And you wouldn't know anything about how much I date if you weren't watching me so closely."
    He swigs another swallow of beer and rambles on.  "Listen, I'm a young, virile, attractive adult male. I don't ever have to be alone if I don't want to be. The money's an extra benefit. Besides, I didn't take a vow of celibacy, like some people I know."
    "Not that it's any of your business."
    "It's not, thank God. But Troy says you work day and night. When's the last time you went on a date?"
    "What? Troy doesn't know–I date, okay? Maybe I don't tell your brother everything that goes on in my life."
    "Uh huh," he says, nodding but chuckling. "Chips and salsa and a session with your battery operated friend isn't a date."
    My eyes roll without my permission. I'm fine with it. "Shut the fuck up, Preston."
    "Truth hurts, does it?  I hit a nerve?"
    "I date, okay?"
    I did. Sometimes. Not lately, but I wasn't not dating. I didn't have time, what with trying to do my job and volunteering at law related organizations and helping my mom with my dad and planning this wedding. Speaking of the wedding…
    "I didn't come here to talk about my sex life–"
    "Or lack thereof."
    "You called Nate to tell him that you don't want to plan the wedding with me."
    He nods. "Yeah."
    "Because I don’t."
    "I thought we agreed that we would do this, Preston. We had a good conversation today and we already decided where and when. And then you just drop out? What the fuck?"
    "What difference does it make if I help or not? Why can't you and Morgan do this together? What makes them think I give a shit about their wedding?"
    "Morgan called me. Crying. Says we're ruining her wedding."
    "And...if we can't pull off this wedding then they don't want us involved at all. Like we might not even get an invite. And we're kicked out of the wedding party."
    Preston shrugs his shoulders. "And? Why is this important? They've been together since they were five years old.  We're supposed to move heaven and earth so they can get married, finally? They should go to the JoP and get it done."
    "She talked about doing that."
    "Okay. Why can't we let them do that?"
    "Because we know that isn't what Morgan wants.  Because we know that if they plan their own wedding, it will be the most boring nuptials ever. Because they are plain white Wonder bread people and they are counting on us to make this memorable and special for them, for us, for everybody. I want her to have what she wants. Don't you want Nate to have what he wants?"
    "I don’t think Nate gives a shit," Preston mumbles.
    He opens the refrigerator, pulls out another Purple Haze, offering it to me. I shake my head. He shrugs and keeps it for himself, popping the top off with his bare hands. He gulps down a few swallows, belches, and leans against the counter again. "But what I don't want is Morgan calling me crying. I

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