A Perfect Love: International Billionaires VI: The Greeks

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Book: A Perfect Love: International Billionaires VI: The Greeks by Caro LaFever Read Free Book Online
Authors: Caro LaFever
I’ll win this.”
    “Yes, I supposed you will.” She kept her focus on her brothers. “Eventually.”
    Rafe’s hands fisted at his sides as he threw himself back in the chair. She was right, damn her. It would take weeks if she fought him over this. Fury at this woman and her stubbornness threatened to defeat his control. His solicitors had counseled him… get her consent, it will save time, it’ll be easier, don’t alienate her, get her on your side …but something about Tamsin’s attitude eroded all his good intentions. “I have little time to spare here. I have work to do back in Greece.”
    “So, then.” She turned back to stare at him. “Perhaps we can negotiate.”
    The look in her eyes lanced through him, striking him off his game plan. Her gaze was clear and keen. Intelligent and sharp. This was not the sixteen-year-old young lady he’d known years ago. This wasn’t a sweet girl who had turned out to be simply a teasing betrayer. This was a woman who knew what she was doing.
    She runs everything.
    The remembered words whispered in his ears as he stared into her green eyes. The Drakos clan might be full of liars and thieves, yet no one had ever said they weren’t smart. And all about money. Always about the money. He and his family and his father had learned this the hard way.
    She cocked her head, her eyes narrowing.
    He could practically see the numbers running in her head.
    He didn’t want to negotiate with her. When he’d descended on the run-down hotel, he’d assumed he’d win, easily and handily. Haimon would be charged with numerous crimes and hauled off to jail. Tamsin would be thrown from her home and left in the dust. His nephews would be on his plane on their way to Greece.
    His solicitors had counseled him before he’d arrived in London, and once more this morning…. she might ask for money, she might not give away the twins without some monetary settlement …but he’d been too eager to deliver his revenge to take this into account.
    He didn’t want to give her money.
    He didn’t want to reward her.
    He didn’t want her to win.
    Yet what were his options? He had to have the boys and he had to be in Greece. Soon. One of the biggest deals in his life was finally coming together and he couldn’t afford to spend weeks and weeks in England fighting this woman.
    “All right.” He forced himself to lounge back and appear relaxed. “How much?”
    She jerked as if he’d yanked her ponytail. “What?”
    “I’m negotiating, exactly as you requested.” The tang of fury coated his tongue with hot, hard hate. She was just like her lying stepfather and cheating mother. Still, if money was what it took, he had plenty of that. “How much?”
    A furrow creased her brow. Then a flash of understanding lit in her gaze. The green turned to cold agate. “Are you suggesting I would take money to allow Aarōn and Isaák to take this test?”
    “I’m suggesting far more than that.” Rafe curled his lip in disgust. “I’m asking point-blank. How much for the boys?”
    The muscles in her jaw went taut, her eyes glowed with a fiery heat, and her hands tightened into two small fists. For a second, he thought she might jump over the chairs to wrap her fingers around his neck.
    He tensed, an explosive blend of excitement and anger flowing like lava in his veins.
    “There isn’t enough money in the world to get me to let go of my brothers.” Her voice was hoarse, yet steady and steely. “However, we can still come to an agreement.”
    The commitment in her tone shook him. He’d known, deep down, the tie between Tamsin and the twins was strong. He’d had enough exposure during these last couple of days to note the powerful bond. Up to now, though, he’d convinced himself she’d ultimately cede to the new reality. He was here. The boys were Vounós. And she wasn’t needed anymore.
    Her words and tone shook his belief.
    A hard knot settled in his stomach, his tension and anger curdling like

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