A Little Undead

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Book: A Little Undead by Laira Evans Read Free Book Online
Authors: Laira Evans
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awkwardly propped the door back up,
wincing at how much this was going to cost me. That reminded me.
“Alex did you bring my purse?”
    “ What?”
    “ My purse, I think I left
it on your brother's yacht.”
    “ No,”
he said, squirming as he finally seemed to realize what he was lying
in. “I haven't seen it.” His earlier bravado had all but
vanished. “Are you going to kill me now?”
    “ I wasn't planning on it.
Were you planning on paying for my door?” I filled a cup of
water from the sink to rinse my mouth out, never quite taking my eyes
off him. My fangs clicked against the glass, reminding me of another
important issue. “And why the hell do I keep growing fangs
whenever I'm close to you!” Blood rushed to my face as my
irritation with him grew.
    Sure, he was basically helpless
right now, but he had just tried to kill me – again. Even the
nicest girls could get mad at homicidal stalkers who broke into the
privacy of their homes. And as the cop I apprenticed to could
attest, I was not the nicest of girls. Though, to be honest, a lot of
those crotch shots on the firing range were just due to a bad habit
formed from the zombie video games the school had us play to
desensitize us. Was it my fault that was the only shot you could take
besides a hit to the head that would slow them down for any length of
    “ You're worried about the
door? I thought all vampires were rich.”
    My estimation of his
intelligence was rapidly falling. Why did I date this guy exactly?
“Listen, I'm fairly certain I'm not whatever it is you think I
am, so how about you just tell me what you know about vampires.”
    “ You promise not to bite
me afterward?” His tough guy persona was taking some serious
hits as well.
    “ Sure.” I was
starting to feel like I was dealing with a four year old. This was
poster-boy material for why you shouldn't pick up guys at a burger
shack, rich older brother or not. Still, he was right to be worried.
It was only by staying close to the window that I was able to avoid
the heady scent of his blood that seemed to smother everything else,
including my self-control.
    “ I'll tell you after you
let me go.” The look on his face made it apparent he thought
himself clever for coming up with that condition.
    “ Or I could just call the
department and have you brought in for breaking and entering.” 'Not to mention my suspicions that he’s behind the serial
murder case.'
    “ Alright, alright, I give
already.” Still looking hilarious, pinned on his stomach as he
was, he managed to summon up a vague air of authority as he began
speaking. “Real life vampires have pretty much all the
weaknesses found in film. During the night they can pretend to be
almost perfectly human. Also, they're all soulless killers.” I
cocked my head, eyes narrowing. 'Was that last bit a dig at me?'
    “ Hey, get over it already,
I bit you by accident, okay?” 'It's not my fault he smells
so tasty.' Somehow I didn't think he believed me about it being
an accident. Might have had something to do with how I was staring at
him like he was filet mignon. I shook my head to clear it. 'Bad
vampiress, behave.' I still wasn't sure I was a vampire, or at
least not the kind he was talking about, but it was starting to make
more sense than other options. It was strange how natural the fangs
felt, considering I'd lived all my life without them. I wasn't even
slurring as I spoke, or at least not noticeably. “Is that
really all you know about them?” I wasn't quite willing to say
    “ What do you expect? The
Queen killed off nearly every supernatural being on the planet a
couple decades ago, including my father.”
    “ Oh. Sorry for your loss.”
I paused. “Queen who of what, exactly?”
    “ The Earth, and she didn't
have a name, as far as I know. Not one she told us lycans anyways.”
His nose twitched slightly.
    'I think I need to go back to
the kiddie pool.' I'd suspected it before, but knowing for

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