A Chance at Love (A Ferry Creek Novel): (a billionaire romance novel)

Read Online A Chance at Love (A Ferry Creek Novel): (a billionaire romance novel) by Karolyn James - Free Book Online

Book: A Chance at Love (A Ferry Creek Novel): (a billionaire romance novel) by Karolyn James Read Free Book Online
Authors: Karolyn James
- Petey - as it was spoken about a
dozen times as Jack talked strategy with Tyler about a few fallen trees.
    “ Can
I get you anything else? ” Jess asked when she returned to the table for a third time.
    Tyler eyed his coffee. “ I ’ m
just fine, Jess. Thanks. ”
    “ All
good, ” Petey said.
    “ I ’ d like to know where your
boyfriend is, ” Jack asked.
    Jess rubbed Jack ’ s back. “ Not my boyfriend. Not my problem. ”
    “ You
know, ” Jack said as he
pointed a dirty, thick finger at Jess, “ I
wish someone like you would smarten him up. He ’ s
in my hands now and I ’ m a
nice guy... wait ‘ til he
messes up and ends up in the hands of... ”
    Jack turned his finger and pointed
at Tyler.
    “ Eh,
Darryl ’ s mostly show, ” Tyler said. “ He ’ s
seen trouble but nothing serious. ”
    “ Tell
you what, ” Jess said, “ I ’ ll
buy your breakfast today, Jack. Then I ’ ll
find Darryl and make him pay me for it and show up to work. ”
    “ Don ’ t you dare, ” Jack said. “ A pretty woman like you... you
should never pay for a thing. ”
    “ Isn ’ t that sexist? ” Jess asked. She looked at
    “ Why
are you looking at me? ” Tyler asked. “ He said it. ”
    “ You ’ re the cop. ”
    “ I ’ ll have to check the book, ” Tyler said. “ Find out North Carolina laws on
being sexist in a diner. Might take some time. ”
    “ Ass, ” Jess whispered.
    “ Cursing
at a cop, ” Tyler said.
    “ She ’ s ruthless, huh? ” Jack asked as he laughed.
    “ You
have no idea, ” Tyler said.
    His eyes looked up at Jess. It was
these moments that sent Jess into a state of complete confusion. Could there be
a connection with Tyler there? She ’ d
be a liar if she said the thought hadn ’ t
crossed her mind once... or a couple dozen times. Tyler was a very handsome
man. He was a cop. Everyone in Ferry Creek respected him. Even still, Jess
couldn ’ t figure out why she
hadn ’ t jumped at the chance.
    “ Got
the bill for me? ” Jack
asked. “ I have to get
going. Don ’ t need a power
outage anywhere in or near Ferry Creek. ”
    “ Power
outage? ” Jess asked.
    “ Oh,
Christ, could you imagine Maude Parkston if she didn ’ t have her television working? ” Tyler asked.
    Maude was the town gossiper, a
sweet looking elderly woman who heard everything and shared everything in Ferry
    The thought of Maude losing her
television made Jess smile, but sadly, Tyler was right. If there wasn ’ t a television to keep Maude at
bay she ’ d be on the streets
of Ferry Creek, searching for gossip to spread. It was bad enough that when she
called the diner for a pick up order, it took her ten minutes to figure out
what she wanted and another ten minutes to leave with her food when she came to
get it.
    “ Why
would the power go out? ” Jess asked.
    She dug in her apron, looking for
the bill for Jack and Tyler.
    “ Last
week ’ s storm that went
through, ” Jack said as he
stared at Jess.
    Jess nodded. “ Yeah. I remember. Kept everyone
here all day. ”
    “ Poor
girl, ” Tyler said. “ Stuck with Murphy and his
stories. ”
    “ Oh.
Murphy... ” Jack shook his
head. “ Anyway, that storm
made a mess on the outskirts of Ferry Creek. Near the creek and all that. It ’ s not a big deal. We cleaned
everything up. But Tyler here called me and said a tree is touching power
lines. ”
    “ They
look weak, ” Tyler said. “ Just don ’ t want a problem with the next storm. ”
    “ Why
didn ’ t you call the power
company? ” Jess asked.
    “ Because
I work faster and I ’ m
cheaper, ” Jack said. “ Or so Tyler thinks. ”
    “ You ’ re not billing me, ” Tyler said. Tyler smiled as he
looked at Jess. “ The trees
look dangerous. Jack ’ s
going to take care of them. I was over there after that little party some of
the high school kids had. Wow, do they make a freaking mess. ”
    “ They ’ re high school kids, ” Jess said as she put the bill
on the table.

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