60 Minutes
pay cut.” Montica shook her head and raised her hand to get a waitress’s attention. Claudia rolled her eyes because she had accomplished what she came to do and Montica decided to order drinks.
    When the perky waitress came over, Montica ordered two strawberry daiquiris and Claudia dreaded having to sit there any longer and pretend like she cared about Montica’s life. “You know what Tica, I’m gonna have to pass on the drinks for tonight. My stomach is cramping something crazy right now.” Claudia said as she rubbed her “aching” stomach.
    “Oh my God girl, are you ok?” Montica told the waitress they were fine and got up out of her seat and sat next to Claudia. “You need me to drive you home or call somebody?” Montica asked as she rubbed Claudia’s back.
    “Nah, I’ll be fine. It’s that time of the month and ya girl feeling crazy.” Claudia sighed as she reached for her purse. “I’m gonna get out of here and stop at Walgreen’s for some pills.” Claudia said as she stood up to leave, but not without letting out some grunts to make her act seem real. Before turning away, Claudia made sure to let Montica know that they would get up with each other at a later date and that she was sorry she had to leave unexpectedly. When Claudia reached her car, she quickly picked up her phone and dialed Jani’rah’s number.
    “Tell me you have good news,” Jani’rah said before Claudia could say anything.
    “Well, hello to you too…but yeah, but I got her. She’s literally living paycheck to paycheck. So, I’m pretty sure when I approach her she’ll be down for the job.” Claudia was a hundred percent sure she would be.
    “Good, now hurry up and get back here. I don’t like that you went by yourself with no guards.”
    Claudia could hear the concern in her cousin’s voice. She’d never seen Jani’rah so paranoid about anything before. She couldn’t wait for everything to be over with so Jani’rah could have some peace of mind. “Don’t worry about me cuz,” Claudia said as she started her car, “I got my best friend Kill A Bitch by my side,” Claudia said and touched her gun that was in her purse.
    That made Jani’rah smile. “Alright, now you and Kill A Bitch hurry up and get home.” When they disconnected Claudia pulled off unaware of the black Lexus that had begun to follow her.
    After Claudia put in the code for the gates to open, she reached into her bag and grabbed her gun. While in Haiti, her father schooled her on the street life.
    “Whenever you feel that you’re being followed always make two right turns, which will have you going in a circle. If the car is still behind you, nine times out of ten, you’re being followed.” Her father would tell her.
    She did just that when she noticed that the Lexus was on her tail. Before she got out of the car, she called Jani’rah.
    “Yeah.” Jani’rah said coolly. “Somebody was following me in a black Lex. Look out of your room window and see if they’re parked outside of the gate.” Claudia said ready to blast somebody.
    “Hold up a minute.” Jani’rah said as she made her way to with window. When she peeked through the curtain, she saw the car parked about ten feet away from the gate. “They out there. Hurry up and get in here. Move your car to the front of the house. Hanz will move it when the coast is clear.” Jani’rah said as she continued to watch out of the window just in case she had to warn her cousin about them trying to attack.
    Claudia did as she was told and parked in the front and quickly got out of the car and hurried in the house. Jani’rah watched on as the car started up and pulled off. “Now these muthafuckas coming to where I rest my head. I need to send Samuel a message quick to let him know I’m not to be fucked with.” Jani’rah spat to no one at all and then made her way downstairs to talk to her cousin.
    The two sat in the living room drinking strawberry daiquiris and talking about the

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