(2012) Colder Than Death
soft, choked up “Yeah,” that told me she wasn't.
    I turned the key in the ignition and drove back to Mel's office. Again, I left Quilla in the car while I ran inside and had Mel work up the paperwork for the purchase, opening and closing of Brandy Parker's grave. Within five minutes I was back in the hearse and Quilla and I were heading to Dankworth. I decided that she probably needed silence and that there would be no conversation unless she started it.
    She didn't say a word for about five minutes. All she did was fiddle with the knob on the glove compartment. I concentrated on driving, then suddenly, Quilla asked me a question that caught me totally off guard. “Do you know any private detectives?”
    I hesitated for a moment. “No. Why?”
    “I want to hire one to find the guy who killed my Aunt.”
    “I changed my mind. Understand something... nobody cares who killed my Aunt except me. My mother could care less. When the call came about finding the body her only reaction was that it couldn't have come at a worse time. Know why? She and her husband were going on vacation this week.”
    I was curious that she didn't refer to Suzanne's husband as her father. “You mean your father?”
    “My father lives in California. He's a jerk. I hate him. Alan is my stepfather. He's only half-a-jerk and I hate him too. I can't wait for them to leave. I'll be alone for fourteen days and have some peace and quiet.” She bit her lower lip. “My mother didn't even cry. And when Cobb called her she didn't even ask him about what he's gonna do to find out who did it. That's why I'll be the only one who does anything about finding out who killed my aunt.”
    “What will you do?” I was fascinated by her tenacity and not for one second did I find her passion false.
    “I haven't figured that out yet.”
    “Look. I have a professional relationship with Perry. I can find out if he's doing anything.”
    “I can find out too,” she almost barked. “I have a relationship with Greg.”
    “Greg's not somebody Perry would tell crucial facts to.”
    “And like he'd tell things to you --a mortician?” she snapped.
    “Perry and I go way back. I'll set up a meeting between you two. You can tell him everything you know about your aunt, starting with the fact that you have her things and that she has notebooks.”
    “He'll want to read them. I don't like the idea of him knowing her thoughts.”
    “You can't think like that. Whatever piece of her that you possess, no matter how personal and intimate, if it'll provide a clue to her killer, you have to turn it over.”
    She paused for a few more seconds. “Why are you being so nice to me? I mean, it's almost like you really give a damn.” She arched her eyebrows. “Or is this all part of the Funeral Director act?”
    “You're not the typical grieving person I deal with.”
    “There's something more going on, isn't there? You don't come off like some perv child molester who's acting like you feel sorry for me so you can get in my pants. It's just... your motivation confuses me.”
    “I'm touched by your love for your Aunt. It makes me want to help you.”
    “But why ? I keep getting vibes from you that, like, this is somehow personal to you.”
    I averted her eyes. Her perception was alarming. At fifteen she had the ability to pinpoint truth or the lack thereof. It made me uncomfortable.
    “I understand loss,” I said. “And the importance of closure. I never got it with Alyssa.”
    “I know all about closure. I've been waiting for it nine years. I got it yesterday.”
    “Not completely. You won't have full closure until you find out who killed your Aunt.”
    Quilla was silent for a moment. “Do I have to wear a dress when I come to the Funeral Home tonight? And does it have to be black?”
    “Wear what you think your aunt would have worn.”
    Quilla shot me a smile. “Cool.”
    After dropping Quilla off, my next destination was the Coroner's to pick up Brandy Parker's

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