The Nines (The Nines #1)

Read Online The Nines (The Nines #1) by Sierra Avalon, Dakota Madison - Free Book Online

Book: The Nines (The Nines #1) by Sierra Avalon, Dakota Madison Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sierra Avalon, Dakota Madison
he’ll want some answers about why I ran out on him so quickly.
    A big part of me isn’t ready to tell him what he wants to know because I still want to hold on to the slightest bit of hope that I’ll still have him in my life, still have him as a cyber-friend at the very least, even though I know it’s a false hope at best. I’m just not ready to face the inevitable.
    Maybe Claire is right. Maybe I should just date Hector and lead a normal life as a college freshman. The only problem is that there’s nothing normal about me or my life. After the bombing my name was dragged through the mud right along with my brother’s. The media speculated about my involvement in the Back to School Bombing. I was investigated by the authorities even though I knew nothing about my brother’s plan or his Chechen friends.
    Here at the university I’m Roxie Bailey not the Back to School Bomber’s sister. And I want to keep it that way.
    “Miss Bailey.” My psychology professor’s voice knocks me back to reality.
    I glance up at him.
    “Would you like for me to repeat the question?”
    “Yes, please.”
    Hopefully he realizes that I don’t normally space out in class, I’ve just got a lot on my mind.
    “What is the cerebellum responsible for?”
    “Coordination, movement, motor control and sensory perception,” I reply quickly.
    At least that makes him smile. “And what about the amygdala?”
    “Emotional reactions, aggression, and memory.”
    He nods. “Good.”
    I breathe a small sigh of relief when he moves onto one of the other students in the class. I could kick myself for not paying attention and embarrassing myself. But as much as I try to stay focused all I can think about is Alexander.
    “Roxie.” I hear a male voice calling my name in the distance. I’m not very far from the dorm and consider trying to outrun the person, but that would be rude. Plus not many people know who I am, so it’s got to be either Hector or Julio.
    I stop and turn to see Julio jogging up to me.
    Before he even reaches me he asks, “Have you seen Claire? I’ve been calling and texting her, but she hasn’t responded. That’s not like her.”
    I shake my head. I don’t want to tell him I’ve been preoccupied with my obsession with the masked man, who I now know is Alexander, a victim of my brother’s terrorist activity.
    Julio runs his hand through his wavy dark hair. “I’m worried about her.”
    “Did she have an exam or something? Maybe she’s studying?”
    He shakes his head. “She doesn’t really study. She doesn’t have to. She says her classes are pretty easy and she can get B’s just by skimming the chapters in her textbook and listening in class.”
    “Did the two of you have an argument?” I throw it out there even though I know it’s probably not likely. The two of them are a perfect couple in every way.
    He shakes his head. “No, nothing like that.”
    “I haven’t seen her. Sorry.”
    That doesn’t seem to appease him. “Can I come up to your room? Just to look around?”
    “Sure.” Normally I wouldn’t just let a guy into my room, but I know Julio really cares about Claire and he seems genuinely concerned. I don’t think he needs to be though.
    He lets out the breath he was obviously holding. “Great.”
    Julio is on my heels as I make my way to my room. Once we’re inside it’s a bit awkward. It’s obvious Claire hasn’t been back and Julio has never been in our room without her.
    “Is it okay if I look around?” he asks.
    I nod.
    The first place he checks is her desk. He riffles through some papers and then removes a large card from the pile.
    He holds it up for me to see. “Do you know anything about this?”
    I take the card from his hand and read it. It’s an invitation for a secret sorority rush party. “I didn’t even know there were secret sororities,” I admit.
    “I guess those underground frats need girls to party with. It makes sense that there would be secret

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