
Read Online Honor by Lindsay Chase - Free Book Online

Book: Honor by Lindsay Chase Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lindsay Chase
Tags: Romance
focused on Robert. His eyes narrowed into slits, and his nostrils flared as he took a few more hesitant steps into the parlor. “Might have known I’d find you here, Davis, turning up like a bad penny.”
    Honor rose. “I’ll thank you not to insult my guest in my own home.”
    Wes’s lip curled in a sneer as he stood swaying in the middle of the room. “Guest? The man’s a filthy climber!”
    “Wes…” Theo cautioned, rising.
    Robert turned red and jumped to his feet, but before he could say one word, Theo intervened. “Wesley Saltonsall, I will not tolerate rudeness no matter how drunk you are.”
    “Filthy climber.” Wes glared at Robert with such vehement hatred in his eyes that Honor took an involuntary step between the two men. “You should have seen him at the Grants’, licking Cleavon Frame’s boots. Did they taste good, Davis? Disgusting. But we can smell a climber a mile away.” He swayed again. “They all had a good laugh about it afterward.” His voice trailed off. “Good laugh.”
    Theo snapped, “That will be quite enough!”
    “Don’t you see?” His voice rose to a shout that shook the ornaments on the Christmas tree. “He’s after Honor only because he wants to get his filthy hands on your money!”
    Honor itched to slap his face. “Jackson, please show Mr. Saltonsall out.”
    Self-pitying tears filled Wes’s eyes, and his face crumpled. “Can’t believe he’s got you two fooled. Can’t believe it.” He let out a loud, heartfelt sigh and leaned heavily against a nearby side table for support. Then he looked up at Theo. “Father wants me to marry Selena Cabot.”
    If Wes’s declaration moved Theo, she didn’t show it. “Why are you so surprised? You know it’s high time you married.”
    Her words must have finally penetrated his drunken stupor, because he straightened up, looking as bewildered and betrayed as a boy whose father had just sold his beloved pony. “But I don’t love her. Can’t love her. You know why.”
    Theo’s black eyes turned even darker in her white face. “I know, but we’ll discuss it later in private, when you’re sober.”
    His broad shoulders slumped, and his chin dropped to his chest. When he raised his head, tear tracks scored his cheeks. Not a dimple appeared. His trembling fingers caressed Theo’s cheek. “Hair like snow, eyes like midnight. Coldhearted bitch. You don’t love me. You just want to fuck me.”
    Honor’s jaw dropped and she gasped in outrage, while Theo recoiled as if struck. Davis growled, “You bastard,” and stepped forward, his intention clear, but Theo motioned him to stay back with an impatient wave of her hand.
    “Sorry. Didn’t mean it,” Wes whimpered, his voice catching on a sob. He grabbed Theo and pulled her into his arms, crushing her to him as if he would never let her go. “Don’t hate me. Don’t throw me out. It’s the drink. I’m not myself.”
    Honor felt so embarrassed for him that she had to look away.
    Theo gently detached herself and took his tearstained face in her hands. “My poor boy, you’re overwrought and need to sleep. I’m going to put you in the guest room.”
    She signaled to Jackson, and they escorted Wes out of the parlor.
    Honor stood rooted to the floor, listening to their heavy footsteps until the sound faded away into silence. The atmosphere still felt thick and charged with emotion, as if a residue of Wesley’s bitter, spiteful words still lingered, tainting the air and shattering Honor’s perfect Christmas.
    His accusations about Robert couldn’t possibly be true.
    Gradually Honor came out of her daze and looked at Robert, standing there rigid, his face a mask of barely suppressed rage. “I don’t know what got into him,” she said. “This isn’t like him at all.”
    “If he weren’t so drunk, I’d ask him to step outside. And then I’d knock his teeth out.”
    Shocked by the raw menace in Robert’s voice, Honor said, “I don’t think he meant what he

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