Your Eyes Don't Lie

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Book: Your Eyes Don't Lie by Rachel Branton Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rachel Branton
Tags: romantic suspense
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Tianna. “Boring.” When she saw the disappointment in his face, she patted his hand. “Don’t worry, once the baby’s born, I’m sure that’s all we’ll ever be able to afford.”
    “Well, there’s really nowhere I want to go in this direction,” Rhonda said as they passed Castles ~N~ Coasters. “Turn around. Let’s go to Bluewater Grill on Camelback.”
    Harrison laughed. He didn’t really care where they ate.
    They were still arguing whether to go to Bluewater Grill or a place called Christopher’s that was a bit further east and served French cuisine when he saw the Sebring in a parking lot off the highway. He did a double take. With that cool blue, it had to be the same car.
    “Q lounge,” he said, his eyes going to the sign above the building. “Let’s go there.”
    “What?” Rhonda turned around, looking at him. “Really?”
    “The Q lounge serves a buffet in their dance club,” Chad said. “Same food as Bobby-Q next door. Great barbecue. I could go there. We could get in a little dancing. There’s no cover charge until later.”
    Tianna laughed. “Sounds fun. We haven’t been there since we got married.”
    “That was only four months ago,” Rhonda said, with a groan. “You were barely old enough to get in.”
    “Oh, come on,” Tianna said. “Let’s make a night of it.” Her face glowed. “Who wants some stuffy old restaurant when we can scream and holler and dance all night?”
    Rhonda shook her head. “You’re going to be sorry. You know you can’t drink, right? Because of the baby.”
    “Of course I know that.” Tianna snuggled up to Chad. “I don’t need to drink to have fun. Let’s do it.”
    Rhonda looked at Graham, who shrugged and exited the freeway.
    Harrison was already regretting his outburst. What if it wasn’t her car? And even if it was, what did he think he was going to do, ask her out? Throw a can at her feet? Ha.
    It probably wasn’t her car, or she was nearly finished eating and on her way out. Maybe she’d had to park on the lounge side because there wasn’t any parking on the restaurant side. If she was there, he’d probably better keep his distance. Otherwise, she might call the police and accuse him of stalking her. Then again, she’d been the one parked outside the gym today when the note on his windshield had disappeared. Maybe he needed to talk to her about that.
    They went inside, and despite the crowd, Tianna and Chad somehow arranged a table. Graham looked a little out of his element, preferring more conservative venues, but he good-naturedly offered Rhonda his arm. Harrison followed the couple, suddenly wishing he’d opted for the French cuisine instead. Here, they would expect him to hit on some of the admittedly sexy women, but he didn’t know if he was ready for another relationship. Maybe that’s why the woman in the Sebring was so attractive to him—the child with her obviously meant she was out of reach.
    Chad went back for seconds at the buffet, much to Tianna’s disgruntlement, so she pulled Harrison to his feet. “Let’s dance.”
    He grabbed his drink and finished it off before following her out onto the floor. There were a lot of people, but he didn’t feel in danger yet of being trampled. Still, he’d have to keep a close eye on Tianna. She wasn’t showing yet, but what if someone bumped into her? Maybe this was a bad idea.
    He saw her then, the woman from Albertsons. She was dancing with a dark-haired guy wearing a dress shirt and black pants, but she seemed almost to be dancing alone, as though the man were nothing more than a peripheral thought. Her hands wove above her head and then down in a movement so natural and alluring that his feet stopped moving so he could better watch. She looked different than she had in the parking lot yesterday. She wore a fitted black dress that hit a few inches above her knees and showed off the slender figure that had been hidden beneath the jacket and jeans she’d worn before. Her

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