whether it was about to blow up at any second. Sarah seemed remar kably calm though, so it must not have been that easy to set off by mistake.
Constance returned, and helped us put everything into the new bag. We stood back up and the Queen addressed us once again.
“I must apologize for what will seem inhospitable, however, I require you both to remain in one of our cells momentarily. We vampires are a suspicious lot by nature, so it will take some time to gain our trust, but I do assure you that we will find better accommodations for you in the near future.”
Dominic and another vampire that I didn’t recognize came toward us then, to usher us to the door leading to the cell area. I stole one last glance at the hairspray sitting innocently on the throne as we passed through the door .
The slight creak of the door opening at the top of the stairs broke Nathaniel out of the mindless trance he’d been in for the last several hours. He had nothing to do in his cramped little cell, and only his daily feeding from a cold bottle broke the monotony. Despite his boredom, he felt certain he couldn’t have been in the cell for more than a day or two at most.
The soft tread of footsteps heralded the arrival of Reed, two vampire guards, and . . . what was this? Nathaniel inhaled deeply, savoring the delectable scent that wafted into the room. His eyes widened at the lovely human female at Reed’s side. She was about medium height, slender in an athletic way, with shoulder-length golden brown hair and brown-flecked green eyes. In a word, scrumptious!
The human female in question glanced at Nathaniel in alarm.
The guards guided Reed and the woman into the neighboring cell. With the door securely shut once again, the two vampire guards departed. Nathaniel turned to observe his new cell neighbors.
“Hey, Nathaniel,” Reed said, breaking the silence. “How’ve you been?”
It was such a simple greeting, yet Nathaniel could not remember the last time anyone had asked after his well-being. Indeed, the boy was eyeing him from head to toe as though searching for injuries or signs of abuse.
“I am well,” Nathaniel replied. “I suppose I am fort unate that my greatest complaint is the unrelenting boredom I have experienced while you were elsewhere. Are you going to introduce me to your companion?”
“Oh, yeah . . . sorry,” Reed apologized and stepped aside to give Nathaniel and the young woman a better view of each other. “This is Sarah. Sarah, this is Nathaniel.”
He bowed his head. “Pleased to make your acquaintance.” He couldn’t help taking one more little whiff of her delicious scent, though it made his gums tingle in anticipation. He needed to tamp down his appetite, but he thirsted terribly for a “real” meal.
A frown creased the brows of her lovely face and she spoke for the first time. “You know, I’d appreciate it if you’d stop looking at me like a roast beef dinner.”
Oh, these feisty modern women: so bold despite being so much weaker than himself. Was it his imagination, or did her frown increase when he finished his last thought? “My apologies, Mademoiselle,” he said in an effort to placate her. The scent of her rising anger began to intermingle with the sweet smell of blood pumping through her veins.
“By the way, Nathaniel,” Reed said, “she can read minds, so try to keep a lid on your nasty thoughts. If you can.”
Understanding struck him with a jolt. This human po ssessed unique capabilities that would be of great interest to the Queen. “Indeed,” he said, his voice controlled to hide his surprise.
Reed studied him for a moment. “You didn’t know about Sarah, did you? So I bet you don’t know what they’re planning to do with her. With us.”
“But, do you think they might, you know . . .” Reed paused, stealing a quick glance at Sarah before continuing. “Turn her into a vampire too?”
Sarah stiffened, but
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