Vampire Cadet

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Book: Vampire Cadet by Nikki Hoff Read Free Book Online
Authors: Nikki Hoff
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wheel. “How long do we have?”
    “They’re already putting their stuff in their vehicles.” He held the tablet up as she swerved around a corner. She could see some shadowy figures huddled around two cars in the driveway of an old house. “There is another bad news.”
    “Damn you. Can’t you give me something good?” Shannon pushed the car to the speed limit posted for the road. She dared not speed more because she couldn’t risk being caught and delayed by the police.
    “The bad news is that their bomb is ready. See this box they are putting in the car. I am sure it contains something important. They are pretty edgy about it.” Bryce pointed to the rectangular box four men were loading into the trunk of a car. “I can’t see into the box but from the way they are tiptoeing around it, I am pretty sure it’s a bomb.”
    Shannon cursed loudly. This mission was going to hell. If she lost Ra’ad now, she would never get another chance. If he placed the devise somewhere, all would be lost. She had to catch him before he put the bomb into his target location.
    “What do we do?”
    “We will have to call the bomb disposal to deal with that monster devise,” he told her. “Both of us can’t deal with it, and even you are not indestructible.”
    “Shit! I can’t risk exposing Ra’ad’s real self in front of the soldiers. That secret has to be protected.” She bit her bottom lip, her mind filled with conflicting thoughts. “What are they doing now?”
    “Still milling about the cars,” he said. “Our only hope rests on James. If Ra’ad decides to take him along, we can follow them to wherever they go. If not, we will lose him again.”
    “Give me something good, Bryce.”
    She shot through an intersection, swerved to zoom ahead of a bus, and picked up speed. “They are sitting in cars,” he shouted. “The first car is moving out.”
    Shannon rounded a corner. Far ahead, she saw a car coming out of a driveway. There! That was them. She could be there in two minutes. This was going to end soon, and she was going to make sure that they emerged victorious.
    “Slow down,” Bryce yelled.
    “Why? We’ve got them.”
    “How the hell are you going to catch two cars? Slow down. Follow them discreetly.”
    Realizing that he was talking sense, Shannon slowed down. She saw the other car come out of the driveway. “Is James with them?
    “He is in the first car with the bomb. And I am pretty damn sure that Ra’ad is also with him. I could tell it was him by the way others were giving him a wide berth. Probably Ra’ad took him along to question him in detail about his encounter with us. He would probably like to know everything he can about us, to figure out who is chasing him and why.”
    Shannon breathed a sigh of relief. At least there was some hope. Ra’ad was in one of those vehicles. They had to stop at some point, and when they did, she would catch them. Knowing that she had to maintain a distance, she fell a bit back behind the second car. Now, she had to figure out what to do with the bomb. She would need help. Damn! She should have learnt that a long time ago. It was too late for regrets now.
    “Bryce, use my phone to call Commander Sergeant Major.” She handed him her phone.
    “I’ve unhooked from the satellite. Now, we are following them with the tracker,” he said as he dialed the number she told him.
    “Sir, Sergeant Major Shannon reporting.”
    “What now, Shannon?” The commander’s voice was tense, abrupt.
    “We need back up, sir. We’re following Ra’ad and he has the bomb with him. It would be good if a bomb disposal unit could meet up with us.” She gave him the directions, the route they were taking, and the descriptions of the vehicles as well as the estimated number of men. “I’ll let you know if they stop somewhere.”
    “I am going to airlift my boys, Shannon. As soon as you give word, they will land near you. And I will send soldiers with them also.”
    “We can

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