Timeshock - I Want My Life Back

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Book: Timeshock - I Want My Life Back by Timothy Michael Lewis Read Free Book Online
Authors: Timothy Michael Lewis
Tags: TIme Travel Thriller
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Cross Harbour - like you have been the last ten years!   That time travel must have had a real effect on you.   Actually talking about the flat, I brought you a spare set of keys as I heard you had lost everything in the robbery.”
    “Thanks Raymond” - for the first time in his life Nigel was genuinely thankful for Raymond’s help.  

    “You couldn’t lend me some money, could you?”   Raymond handed Nigel fifty pounds but then said he wanted to be paid back.
    Soon afterwards Raymond and Natalie left and Nigel had quite a lot to ponder.   Unless he retrieved the storage diamond, he was stuck in this reality. Obviously this reality’s Nigel had used the time machine as well, but Raymond didn’t for some reason.   At least he could be Nigel Saunders though - that was something.

Chapter 16
    On being discharged, Nigel got a cab to his flat in Cross Harbour.   His confused demeanour trying to find his own flat concerned the taxi driver.   Eventually they found it and Nigel opened up the flat’s door and went inside.
    It was quite a compact flat in a modern tower block.   It had a decent view of the docks and was clean and modern.   The decor smacked of bachelor though.   The main item in the living room was one of the biggest TVs Nigel had ever seen.   The rest of room was a whole series of boxes full of bits and pieces.

    On the keyring Raymond had given him was another key, which opened an internal door to a very small study room.   Inside he found a computer. All the walls were covered with photographs and hand drawn diagrams.  
    Most of the pictures were of Hitler at various stages of his life.   From the diagrams it was clear this Nigel planned to travel back to when Hitler was young, presumably to kill him or do something else to try and change the past - presumably to stop the Holocaust.  

    This Nigel admired the other Nigel’s ambition, but really worried what had happened to him.   Even without trying he had made major changes to the future - what had happened to the other Nigel who was trying to change the past?   Nigel tried not to think about it.

    Sadly there seemed to be something wrong with the computer as the hard disk did not work.   Nigel was really hoping there were stored plans for the time machine on it - he would rather build a new one than try and track down this Altran character who had his storage diamond.   While he could remember most of how to do it he just couldn’t remember some crucial components.

    He turned his attention instead to trying to find Altran.   He bought a new PC on a credit card he found at the flat and started looking up anyone with the name of Altran.   Apart from a French company he found no references at all.   He wasn’t sure if it was a first name or a last name, or even a nick name.  

    As he was searching for Altran online the doorbell rung. It was Natalie.   She was alone.   She seemed nervous.   Nigel couldn’t help admiring her curvy frame and long dark hair.   He had forgotten how attractive he had found her.

    “Hello Nigel.”
    “Hello Natalie.”
    “Are you alone?”
    “Yes.”   With that Natalie reached forward to kiss Nigel vigorously.   Nigel loved it but was shocked.
    “I’ve so missed you,” Natalie continued.

    It was becoming clear to Nigel that in this reality the other Nigel had been close to Natalie too.   Probably too close.

    “What about Raymond?” asked Nigel.
    Natalie pulled back. “I don’t care any more.”
    “Well, he’s been so good since I’ve been back.” Nigel was shocked by the whole situation.

    Natalie got angry “Are you rejecting me?!?”  
    “No, No - I’m not, I’m just saying we should take it slow - that’s all.”
    “I’ve waited so long for you Nigel!” Natalie started crying.

    Nigel felt the best thing to do was to come clean.  
    “I’m not your Nigel.   I’m a different one.   We were married in the reality I came from.   This whole reality is a real shock

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