The Undead That Saved Christmas Vol. 2

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Book: The Undead That Saved Christmas Vol. 2 by ed. Lyle Perez-Tinics Read Free Book Online
Authors: ed. Lyle Perez-Tinics
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help him sit up. His face is not nice. Why? It is blue and big. His eyes have no shine. Big eyes and I scared. Then No-no gives me a hug, a snowball hug. So cold. But he is No-no still.
    "No-no you are hurt," I say. No-no doesn’t talk. He shows me how to dig in the snow, like a snow house. He is in the snow house with me and it is a little warm. I hug No-no and sleep.
    I wake up and No-no is there in the snow house and there is a noise. The door opens and shuts. It is Momma. "CALEB!"
    No-no puts his hand on my mouth. It is so cold just like ice. I be quiet. I need to go baffroom. The door shuts. Momma is inside. No-no helps me get up from the snow. I want to run up inside but No-no doesn’t want me to. I can tell. I go baffroom. Can’t help it.
    We are quiet and No-no walks and I follow, like follow-the-leader. No-no goes to the front steps. Under is a dark place. He wants me in there. I hide. No-no goes. It is like hide-and-seek and No-no will tell me "come out" sometime. When it is okay. I be quiet, but in my head is the song,
Better WATCH OUT, better NOT CRY
. Because Santa says be good.
    Inside is the Christmas tree and I want to see it. But Momma was mad at No-no and mad at me. She won’t talk. I guess we are bad. But I am going to be good now when No-no comes.
    It is a long time. It is
cold. So cold I cry. It hurts. Sometimes I sleep and then I am warm. Momma is inside but I am hiding. There is more snow from the sky. I am looking like Momma out the window. I won’t move. It is a long time. Then there is No-no.
    No-no walks funny but he is No-no, I can tell. There are some guys with him. They are big guys. Hurt. They walk funny, too. They look not nice, with holes. They are monsters I think. But No-no is not scared. They are coming to the house. I think they are No-no's friends. Not bad guys.
    They are closer and I scared. I am under the steps but No-no comes up with the guys. He looks in and I come out. No-no hugs me and it is all right. The guys won’t hurt me. But they are big. The biggest one is like a giant. I saw giants in the book at school. His clothes look like a soldier, like G.I. Joe. There’s holes in the clothes. Maybe bad guys got him. I can see stuff like blood and guts but it won’t fall out. He sees me with his no-see eyes. He says "nnnuh." No-no hugs me tighter. The tall one only has some teeth, like No-no. He pats my head and his guts move. I will call him Mister Insides.
    There are some others. Well maybe one, two, three, ten guys. Lots. But nice. They want to go inside. It is all right now. I am not cold but I am hungry. No-no walks up the stairs. The monsters follow like follow-the-leader. The door won’t open but they go and go and then it is open and they all go in.
    Mister Insides has a sickle from the roof. Momma runs in, then she falls down. She just looks up and up. She screams loud. The sickle comes down sharp. There is a crunch and blood, and gushy stuff, bad stuff in her head and out of her head.
    Momma is hurt but it is okay. Her face is white like snow and the lights make it red and blue and yellow and pink. Momma looks pretty. Mr. Insides bends down. He likes it. No-no shows me how. This is good. It is good and the lots of monsters like it. There is a girl monster and some guy monsters and an old guy too. I stay close to No-no. No-no holds my hand and Mr. Insides holds my other hand. He is strong. It doesn’t hurt. He is nice monster. Momma won’t be mad anymore. It is all right.
    We dance around the Christmas tree with twinkle lights and tin-cicles.

Story Art Cover
    By Jess Smart Smiley

    For Pops.
    Thanks for making every childhood memory a special one

    Author Bio
    Emma Ennis comes from Ireland, but has been living in Norway for two years. Though she had attempted a brief stint at writing back in her younger days, it was only in November of last year that she got back into it and started to get published. Since then she has had

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