The Naphil's Kiss

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Book: The Naphil's Kiss by Simone Beaudelaire Read Free Book Online
Authors: Simone Beaudelaire
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surprising he's protective of Annie.”
    “It's more than that, Father. He really does hate me. I can feel it.”
    “Son, I've known him for so long. Long before he was called mister by anyone. Back when he was Moses Smith, minor cleric. He was my sidekick, you know.”
    Josiah raised one dark eyebrow. “But he's so old.”
    “Don't forget, son, he's human. He has a human lifespan. He may seem old now, but I can clearly remember when he was born. He fought by my side in his twenties and thirties.”
    “How old are you, Father?” Josiah asked hesitantly.
    “I don't exactly know,” he replied. “It's hard to measure in human years. I was a young Naphil when the Flood occurred.”
    Josiah's eyes widened. “Do you remember it? What was it like? Did you lose many friends?”
    “Slow down, Josiah,” Lucien said, laughing. “No, I didn't lose any friends. The people who lived back then were… horrible. Every bit as bad as the Scriptures say. They make some of the succubae look like little lambs. Believe me, son, the Creator was right to wipe them out.”
    “But what was the flood like? Can't Nephilim drown?”
    “Of course we can. But to be honest… I don't know how we survived it.” He saw his son was about to interrupt with a barrage of questions and held up his hand. “The Flood was not meant for us; we were told that in advance. We protected Noah and his family, we brought the animals. And then, when the first drops of rain began to fall, we all went to sleep. When we woke up, the world was completely different. So I have no idea what happened to us in between, but it was obviously divine protection.”
    Josiah's mouth hung open. Clearly this information was more than he could comprehend. Truthfully, neither could Lucien.
    “But, Father, how did the succubae survive? They were alive then, right?”
    “Yes, son, they were. There weren't as many. Lilith has been breeding for thousands of years since then. As for how they survived, I'm not sure of that either. Except… I've always had the theory that the hive is not exactly on earth. And before you ask, I don't know where it is either. If we knew, we would have assaulted it centuries ago, before the numbers of succubae and drones grew so great. But we've never been able to find them.”
    Josiah nodded. “Doesn't it bother you, all the things you don't know?”
    “Sometimes,” Lucien replied, “but I trust in the divine plan. The Creator has never led us astray. Even our mistakes can be used for good. Never doubt that, Josiah. No matter what happens, the Creator's plan has not faltered. It twists and turns along the paths we take, and still comes out just the way He intended. Have faith, son.”
    “If I could be with Annie, I would never doubt again. Can you even imagine, Father, what it's like to be so very in love?”
    A wave of sorrow washed over Lucien. “I don't have to imagine, Josiah. I know.”
    “You do?” The teen regarded him with wide green eyes which seemed to burn into the depths of his soul.
    “Of course. Where do you think you came from? I would never have broken my vows for lust or curiosity. I loved your mother. I love her still.”
    “Then where is she?” Josiah asked bitterly. “Why has she never come to me? Did she not love you back? Or was it me she didn't want?”
    “Stop that, Josiah,” Lucien growled, his grief making his tone gruff. “She loved me. And she loved you too. She would never have chosen to leave you.”
    “But she did leave. Did she die?”
    “I hope not. Listen, what would you do for Annie, if she asked it of you? What would you deny her?”
    “Nothing,” Josiah said firmly.
    “Really? And what if she asked you to leave her? What if she asked you to take your baby and walk away? What if it was the only way to ensure the little one would grow up safe? Would you do it, Josiah? I know you didn't understand as a child, but you're nearly an adult. Can you imagine a love that great? A sacrifice that deep? She

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