The Incidental Spy

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Book: The Incidental Spy by Libby Fischer Hellmann Read Free Book Online
Authors: Libby Fischer Hellmann
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smiles on her part. At one point, two weeks later, after one conversation, she ran to the ladies room, afraid she was going to vomit. She didn’t recognize herself. What had she become?
    Sonia followed her in with a worried frown. “You’re as white as Casper’s ghost. What’s wrong?”
    Lena shook her head.
    Sonia’s eyes narrowed. That was not a good sign. Lena would have to be more careful.
    Two weeks after that, it paid off. She and Irving had shared coffee on one occasion, lunch on another, and this evening they’d met for a beer at the restaurant she and Karl used to frequent. Lena always kept the conversation focused on physics and work. “I’ve always wanted to understand better,” She said. “But I never had the chance to study. You know, coming from Germany when I did…” She let her voice trail off.
    Irving nodded earnestly. Although he wasn’t aware of it, he had played his part perfectly. He was by turns the eager scholar, the wise teacher, the ardent suitor. Lena was sure no woman had ever paid him this much attention, and she felt a stab of guilt every time she flashed him a smile or brushed his hand with her fingers, as she did now.
    He launched into an explanation of how plutonium could theoretically be separated from irradiated uranium.
    “Is that what you’re doing in the Pile?”
    “That’s part of it. You see if we can successfully do that, we can then manufacture as much as we need. And then…” He frowned. “You know, I’m not supposed to talk about it with anyone. Including co-workers.”
    She looked over. “Of course, you’re not. I’m sorry. I don’t mean to—.” She let her voice trail off.
    “What?” He asked.
    She lifted a shoulder, then shook her head. “Nothing.”
    His expression softened. “What is it, Lena?”
    “I—I would love to see the Pile. Is it safe to go in?”
    “Oh yes.”
    “No chance of people getting irradiated, is there?”
    “None whatsoever.” He laughed. “Tell me, Lena, why is the Pile so important?”
    She looked down. “It’s—it’s just that we—you and I and all the others—will be a part of history. What you are doing will change the world forever.”
    He folded his arms.
    “I— guess I just wanted to share a tiny little part of it. I long to see it. Even just for a few seconds.” She flashed him a sad smile. “Still, I understand. You can not compromise security.”
    Irving let out a sigh. He looked left, then right, as if he thought someone might be watching. “I would love to show it to you,” He said. “But I can’t take the chance.”
    Lena nodded, as if resigned to his decision. “Let’s talk about something else, shall we?” She glanced at her watch. “Oh, dear, it’s after seven. I really must get home. Max and Mrs. M will wonder what has become of me.”
    Irving leaned over the table and kissed her cheek. She brushed his cheek with her fingers. “You are the best thing that’s ever happened to me,” he said.
    “You don’t mind that I’m an old woman?” She teased. She was three years older.
    “Are you kidding? The rest of the guys are jealous.”
    “You’ve told them about us?” She tried to make herself blush. “Oh no.”
    “Was I wrong?” A worried frown came over him.
    She didn’t reply for a moment. Then she smiled prettily. “I—I guess not.”
    They both rose from the table. He clasped her hand in his. “Come. I will walk you home.”
    “You do not have to.”
    “I know.”
    But outside the restaurant he turned west, not east, which was the way to Lena’s apartment. She pulled on his arm. “We should be going the other way, Irving.”
    He took her hand again. “Where we’re going you must never speak of. Ever. Do you understand?”
    Her stomach flipped. “I understand,” she whispered. “It never happened.”
    They walked the few blocks toward Stagg Field.

Chapter 20
    T hey arrived at the stadium and walked around to the western corner. The evening was hot and humid;

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