The Heart of Mine

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Book: The Heart of Mine by Amanda Bennett Read Free Book Online
Authors: Amanda Bennett
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out of sight, I turned to my left, placing my arm across Joey's neck as I pinned him against the truck next to us.
    "You have exactly thirty seconds to tell me why I'm not drivin' my ass to the airport right now."
    "Because Kayla won't be on a flight out of here."
    "What are you fucking talking about Jo?" I loosened my grip, but only enough that he could breathe again.
    "I convinced her not to go, and Glenn invited Cami here for Thanksgiving."
    "Did she plan on tellin' me?" I dropped my arms to my sides in defeat. I really fucked up the situation with Kayla the other day, and now I felt like a third wheel in my life.
    "Honestly, I don't know, but we won't be here. We're followin' that douche back to Arizona and dealin' with this situation once and for all."
    "Look Jo, as much as I appreciate your help, I don't need it. I have a family to start thinking about. I can't go gettin' myself into unnecessary trouble."
    "Whatever you say, man. Let me know if you need anything."
    "Thanks, Joey."
    "Whatever man." He shouted as he flipped me the bird as he walked back towards the school.
    Some days, I just wanted to beat the shit outta that kid.

Chapter 12
    I half expected Madison to be waiting for me after school, but to my surprise, he was nowhere to be found. I found it odd, but as far as he knew, I was still headin' out to Arizona after school today. And I would be, if Joey wouldn't have told me Glenn's plans for Cami to come out here. Either way I was ecstatic to see my best friend, and if I was being honest, I preferred to stay in a state where I felt safe.
    Joey caught me just as I was walking to my truck. "Hey KJ, where ya headed?"
    "Home I guess."
    "You wanna hang for a bit?"
    "Don't you have a flavor of the week to keep you busy today?"
    "Not today, doll. Today it's just you."
    "Oh be still my heart." I feigned adoration as I pretended to faint at his gentlemanly notion.
    "You don't have to be a bitch about it." He laughed.
    "Where do ya wanna go Jo?"
    "I don't care. Wherever you wanna go is fine with me."
    My phone chimed in my pocket as I got myself situated in the front seat. It was a text message, but the number was unknown. I gasped as I read the text silently to myself. It made absolutely no sense to me, and I was appalled that someone would be so mean. Joey noticed my horrified silence and was instantly at my side. "What is it Kayla?"
    "Nothin', you know what, I'm not feeling so good all of a sudden, do you think you could drive me home?"
    "Of course."
    Joey pulled my shaking body across the seat and right against his side, before crawling over me and behind the steering wheel. I could feel the bile rising up in my throat. I wasn't going to last long at this rate. I motioned for Joey to drive faster, but he seemed oblivious to everything except for the song he had blaring through the speakers.
    "Jo, pull over! Now!"
    The truck's tires skidded into the dirt on the side of the road. When I felt the truck was slowed enough, I pushed open the door and heaved my guts onto the concrete. I grabbed a few napkins from the glove box and wiped my mouth with them. When I sat back in the truck, I could see the look on Joey's face.
    "I'm twelve weeks along. And please, don't ask whose it is."
    "I wasn't gonna say a word. Congrats, I guess."
    "Don't play dumb Joey Green, you already knew."
    "Maybe." He smiled and that's all it took for me to relax.
    "Can you take me to Madison's, please?"
    "Of course."
    We rode the rest of the way in silence. I knew the talk I was about to have with Madison wasn't going to be a pleasant one, but it needed to be hashed out and the thought of not talkin' to him any longer, was driving me insane. We pulled into Madison's drive about fifteen minutes later. I basically told Joey to just take my truck back to his house. I would have Madison take me by later to get it.
    Joey took off a few seconds later, and I waved as he made his way out to the main drive. Madison's truck was parked in front of his

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