The Convenience of Lies

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Book: The Convenience of Lies by K.A. Castillo Read Free Book Online
Authors: K.A. Castillo
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response from me. Or he's obsessing about that one and only question. Or for some reason he thinks I'm not getting his texts, or ignoring his texts. Regardless, he's obsessing about what happened, he's being pushy, and he's certainly not happy with me. All of my worst fears are confirmed, especially when I read Ramon's last text, “your not talking 2 me? ok. come on aim when u wanna talk.”
    I can see that by not talking to Ramon, he's just going to obsess and get more upset with me. At this point, the best thing for me to do is go online and try my hardest to tame the beast. Additionally, I know that I do owe him a conversation anyway. So, I go online.
    I find not Ramon, but Alicia, on AIM. I ask her how the break up went. She doesn't seem to want to tell me the details because all she says is, “It went fine,” and then quickly changes the topic to part of the conversation they had on AIM that she saved for me:
    Alicia : i hear u and mackenzie r close friends
    Ramon : k
    Alicia : y dont u go out w/her? u choose not 2?
    Ramon : its not that i wouldnt
    i just have a reason y i dont ask her out
    its not that i dont like her
    theres just a reason
    Alicia : whats that reason?
    Ramon : its a reason only i kno, and no one else 2 kno
    Once this is sent, Alicia continues,
    Alicia : its got nothing 2 do w/us breaking up, but its all that saved
    I highly doubt that this is the one and only section that “saved.” But, at the same time, it is also the section that would have been the most interesting to me, and so I figure I can overlook her lie. Obviously she doesn't want to share what they said during their break up, and I can respect that because the break up was between her and Ramon anyway.
    At the same time, I can't believe what I am reading. Within twenty-four hours I went from Ramon rejecting me by asking out another girl to finding out that I am on his “crush list.” Now it's crucial for me to pacify Ramon and to make amends.
    Mackenzie : its interesting what he had 2 say about me
    so he does like me
    Alicia : idk. he says he has his reason 4 not asking u out
    Mackenzie : ya, which is weird
    I don't think that whatever this “reason” is really changes the fact that Ramon likes me. He signs online and Alicia makes a quick exit. Ramon jumps right in:
    Ramon : u had a lot 2 say yesterday, huh?
    It's like he thinks I was making things up, or seeking out Alicia to tell her all the shit I knew about him. I want to set things straight, so I tell Ramon exactly what happened.
    Mackenzie : she asked, and i told her the truth
    but i told her 2 talk 2 u instead
    My eyebrows furrow at Ramon's next comment.
    Ramon : either way she was gonna find out
    Why is Ramon being so insistent about talking with me when he feels so accepting about the situation? If he's embracing the situation so easily, then what does he have to talk to me about? Deciding to go with the flow, I continue,
    Mackenzie : exactly, so i didnt c the point in not telling her.
    I figure if I agree with his logic, then perhaps the situation will be remedied more easily. Besides, even if I hadn't thought of it this way, it is true. Alicia would have eventually found out about Ramon's history, regardless where she heard it from. Even so, I can hardly believe Ramon actually isn't mad at me.
    Ramon : whatever, it doesnt matter anymore
    This is too much. Ramon should be ranting at me or something right now. I keep waiting for it to happen and it doesn't. In fact, I am so astounded that Ramon is not giving me a hard time that I have to call him on it,
    Mackenzie : i cant believe this. i was expecting a seriously pissed off ramon
    Ramon : no point. its actually kind of good that it is early, not like in a month.
    I still don't see why Ramon had been so insistent to talk to me when he didn't seem too upset by the whole ordeal.
    Mackenzie : y do u wanna talk 2 me if u dont wanna bite my head off?
    Ramon : i just wanted 2 kno that truth. it doesnt matter.
    i will

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