The Convenience of Lies

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Book: The Convenience of Lies by K.A. Castillo Read Free Book Online
Authors: K.A. Castillo
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enough info that she should be clued in on what goes on in Ramon's life, and can draw her own conclusions after talking to him. Perhaps if this happens, their breakup will make more sense to Ramon.
    Mackenzie : ramon will tell u the truth!
    just ask him about it
    Alicia : i dont think he will say the truth, just tell me!
    It is clear that Alicia isn't going to let me off the hook on this one, and also that Alicia already doesn't trust Ramon. With that being the case, there's really no chance this relationship will work, and so it doesn't really matter if she talks to me or him. At this point, getting her out of the picture will be a shoe-in, and I feel it's genuinely for the better. Unlike Alicia, I trust Ramon, so I am better for him.
    Mackenzie : ok fine then.
    yms wanted to fight this guy, scott, because scott beat up 1 of their gang members
    ramon was at gameland, and yms knew that scott hung out a lot there
    yms went to gameland, looking for scott, only yms found ramon at gameland
    yms knows that ramon is friends with scott, and so they asked him for all of scott's information, like his address and shit
    ramon wouldnt give it 2 them, so the guys got mad, and jumped ramon right there, outside of gameland
    yms started breaking windows at gameland and said that unless they got a big brawl, they would attack kira and scotts sis
    ramon called his cousins here from san diego and there was a brawl
    that was it
    Alicia : how awful for kira!
    ramon put her thru so much!
    im gonna dump him
    Mackenzie : what? no ur not
    That was quick and easy. But seeing her write that, I feel a sudden chill run down my spine. This could have terrible consequences for me if Ramon finds out I'm the one who gave Alicia all this information.
    Alicia : yes i am
    thank u
    uve told me enough
    Even though I don't want to see Ramon and Alicia together, I was positive that Alicia would at least talk to Ramon about everything I told her instead of jump to conclusions.
    Mackenzie : talk 2 ramon
    listen to his side of the story
    give him a chance
    Alicia : no, i dont wanna get sucked into this drama like kira was
    I think about that, and realize how right she could be. Or maybe I'm feeling spiteful because Ramon made her his girlfriend rather than me.
    Mackenzie : ya ur doing urself a big favor there
    Alicia : is he really that bad?
    I realize I have painted Ramon as a monster for Alicia. On paper, he looks like a horrible person. And this is what I have told her. But in person, Ramon is alluring, attractive, intelligent, and loyal.
    Mackenzie : no
    ramon is a good guy
    i like him. i have 4 a long time
    just talk 2 him. listen 2 what he has 2 say
    i mean, he is ur bf
    Alicia : really its enough.
    im gonna tell ramon that i talked 2 u
    i have 2 have a reason
    thank u 4 ur help
    She signs off, and I go numb. I had trusted Alicia to keep our conversation secret, that as girls, we have a bond to look out for each other, and she has just thrown that all away. My one and only request of her to get my information was to keep it between us. And she didn't even have the decency to respect that.
    Now I realize I deserve Ramon more than Alicia did anyway. I know him better and I trust him. But now… now that Alicia's going to tell him I talked a lot of shit about him, it looks like our chances of getting together are going to be slim to none. I think I have just lost a friend, and a potential lover.

Chapter Six
    My hands are trembling as I turn on my phone in the morning. I turned it off because I didn't want the drama from last night to wake me up this morning. Now that I am awake, it is time to face the day. As expected, I am suddenly bombarded with about twenty text messages from Ramon, all consisting of the same statement, “i heard u had a little chat with alicia yesterday. have fun? she broke up w/me in 1 day.” It was rather strange for him to send me so many of the same message, and I felt a bit uneasy. It's like he's obsessing about getting a

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