Taken by the Trillionaires

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Book: Taken by the Trillionaires by Ella Mansfield Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ella Mansfield
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said and squealed when she finished. “It said everything will be here in two hours!”
    He laughed. “The wonders of the twenty-fourth century. Instant gratification. You want it? It’s delivered.” He turned as the oven beeped. “Go sit. Lunch is ready.”
    She ate her lunch alone, enjoying the flavors of the new food. The community she’d grown up in had been almost entirely self-reliant, with only a few shipments going in and out. It was odd to try so many new things, but she was enjoying her new world immensely.
    After lunch she went upstairs to take a brief nap, unsure of what her evening would hold. She decided to nap in Travis’s bed, because it was his turn next, and she didn’t have her own. Now that she’d had each man once, would they expect her to spend her evening with all four of them? She moaned as she closed her eyes, imagining how it would feel to have eight hands on her all at once. Her pussy tingled and she grew wet just thinking about it.
    When she woke, she rushed down the stairs to see if her deliveries had come and saw all her purchases being carried back into one of the rooms they’d told her would be for a nursery in the future. She was excited to see everything being set up for her, including a huge table which she hadn’t thought to request.
    Obviously Lewis had either known something about quilting or had done some serious research because the huge room was turning into exactly what she needed. She couldn’t help but be excited as she walked around the room, deciding exactly what she’d do.
    As soon as everything was set up to her specifications, she watched the men leave and she removed her new rotary cutter. She loved the idea of having all the time she wanted to craft now. It’s something she’d always enjoyed, but back home, there were too many other responsibilities. Here, she needed to eat, sleep, have lots of sex, and do whatever she wanted. Things were about to get interesting.
    At dinner that night she broached the subject of visiting April. The men looked at each other , and no one could think of a reason not to. “Bill, her husband, is a friend of mine,” Travis said. “We went to college together. I’ll talk to him after dinner and see if he wants to get together with us on Saturday. We’ll probably have to go to them, because of the babies, but I don’t think that’ll be a problem.”
    She jumped up from her chair and ran around to kiss Travis. “Thank you!”
    He kept her snuggled close to him on his lap for a minute, before moving his gaze to Austin. “I’m going to take her upstairs right after dinner. I’ll send her to you when we’re done. You going to be upstairs?”
    Austin nodded. “Yup.”
    Her eyes widened as she looked between the two men. “Two in one night?”
    “Separately.” Travis’s hand went to her pussy through the fabric of her sarong. “You’ll like it.” He gave her a light push off his lap. “Finish eating, and we’ll go up together.”
    She ate the rest of her meal in silence, realizing all the men were watching her eat. Once she’d pushed her plate away, Travis stood and took her hand. “Good night everyone.”
    He wrapped his arm around her shoulders as they walked toward the circle that would lift them to the upper floor. He kissed her softly. “I’ve missed being inside you,” he whispered once they were out of earshot of the others.
    She sighed contentedly, no longer afraid of what her night would bring, because she had been with them all now.
    Once they reached Travis’s room , he gave her the option of bathing with him, or just going to bed.
    She considered a moment, liking the idea of sharing his huge tub with him. “Would you mind bathing together?” she asked.
    He laughed softly. “I love the idea of bathing with you. Of having you sit astride me, and letting the bubbles move around us while you ride me.”
    She blushed, but she could see it in her mind. The idea was more than a little appealing. “I

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