Seal It With A Kiss (McClellan Trilogy)

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Book: Seal It With A Kiss (McClellan Trilogy) by Judy Hagemann Read Free Book Online
Authors: Judy Hagemann
Tags: General Fiction
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occurred with the vics who had been to O’Donnell’s were in a five mile radius of the bar. “Cavanaugh.”
    “Come take a look at this and tell me what you see.”
    Holly put down her file and walked over to the map. “It appears as though the rapes occur in clusters. Different areas, but in clusters. Why would that be?”
    “It tells me that our rapist has connections to each of these areas, but what the hell is it?”
    “Well, there are college campuses in the vicinity of each of these clusters, so it is obvious that he targets colleges.”
    “Right—but there has to be another connection. Let’s pull out a calendar and see if there is a pattern of which day of the week the rapes occur in these areas. It’s a long shot, but we have to try.”
    “I’ll get right on it.”
    “Call me if something jumps out at you. I need to get to the clinic before it closes. I’ll see you Monday morning.” He said as he walked out the door.
    “No problem—see you on Monday.” Holly replied.
    Holly was disappointed as she watched Brock walk out the door. “What the hell do you expect?” She said out loud. “Did you expect a hug and a kiss?” Yes—she thought to herself. After she had time to process her feelings, Holly decided that she was acting as if she and Brock were in a relationship now. Her expectations were those of a couple. She and Brock were not a couple. That was not part of the deal. The ‘ deal ’ was that they were going to be friends with benefits not together as a couple because she had made that point loud and clear to him. Was she making it loud and clear to convince herself—to protect her own heart?
    Brock got in his car and headed to the clinic smiling. His plan to let Holly have what she thought she needed couldn’t have worked out any better. It took her all of five minutes to change her mind. This was going to be interesting to say the least—for each of them. He had heard of the concept before, but never in a million years did he ever think that he would suggest one—let alone agree to one. He would have to take a poll at Sunday’s poker game to see if any of the guys did anything this crazy.
    After charting the days of the week that all of the rapes occurred, the only pattern Holly noticed was that eight out of ten of them occurred over the weekend, but on Saturday and Sundays—never Fridays. Only two of them had occurred during the week, but they didn’t occur on the same day, so that wasn’t any help. Holly looked at her watch and noticed that it was after seven. “Time to get home myself.” Within five minutes she had locked up the files and was in her car headed home—alone.
    Well not exactly alone—Charlie would be there to greet her and want attention. “Great! Now I am reduced to looking forward to coming home to a damn cat!” She said to the air in the car. Now that she thought about it…‌this whole situation was Charlie’s fault! Charlie had been the one who had jumped up on Brock’s lap. The cat who hated all of the men she ever knew up until now. He started this whole damn thing. If only he had stayed hidden away in the bedroom, then Brock would have never have seen the cat let alone ask his damn name and discover the truth about him. She had the perfect wall built up with Brock believing that she actually was living with a man and that stupid cat had to ruin it. In one short week her life had gone from easy to a hot mess and now a decision had been made to throw more complications into the mix. The only bright side to the whole situation was that she just knew that she was going to experience some of the best sex of her life, which also made her nervous as hell. “Damn—I need to get off of this emotional roller coaster. I am going to drive myself crazy!”
    Luke was the first to arrive at Brock’s house for the monthly poker game with Sam arriving shortly afterward. Brock tossed them each a beer and told them to pull up a stool while he

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