Seal It With A Kiss (McClellan Trilogy)

Read Online Seal It With A Kiss (McClellan Trilogy) by Judy Hagemann - Free Book Online

Book: Seal It With A Kiss (McClellan Trilogy) by Judy Hagemann Read Free Book Online
Authors: Judy Hagemann
Tags: General Fiction
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vics four, six, and seven had never even heard of it. The only ones that could be placed in O’Donnell’s were vic three, five and now number ten.
    “What are we missing?” Brock said aloud.
    “I don’t know, but there has to be a different connection—we just haven’t found it yet.”
    “We have a good start on the whiteboard, but there are still a lot of holes to fill in. Let’s call it a day. Neither one of us got much sleep last night, and we need a fresh start tomorrow with clear heads.” He said as he placed his hand on Holly’s shoulder.
    Holly felt her body tingle at just that simple touch as memories of what he did to her last night flooded her.
    “You okay?”
    “Yes, sorry—I guess I am really tired.”
    “Let’s get out of here then. Do you need me to follow you home?”
    “No, that won’t be necessary. See you in the morning.”
    When Holly arrived at home Charlie attacked her feet. “Hey buddy, did you miss your mommy?” She said as she picked him up. He instantly began to purr. “I need a shower and I am really tired, so you are going to have to entertain yourself—sorry.” She said as she put him back down and headed for the bathroom. Standing under the spray of the shower, her mind wandered back to her conversation with Brock and how her body responded to his touch. She was torn between doing the right thing and keeping their relationship as is—just co-workers, and his suggestion of friends with benefits. If what he did to her was just a “taste” of what she could experience with him, then she wanted the whole damn meal! “NO!” She shouted out loud. “Impossible! You are sleep deprived and need to get some sleep so that you are thinking with a clear head.” As if saying it out loud and having her ears hear the words would help.
    Brock walked into his bedroom and stared at his bed picturing Holly laying there with her eyes closed from last night. He smiled at the memory of her up against the wall and how she smelled and felt on his fingertips. How she trembled as he traced a path down her neck with his tongue. She would definitely be a good fit for him he thought to himself. He just had to convince her of it. Brock thought that he had suggested the perfect solution for her, friends with benefits, but so far she hadn’t agreed to it. Maybe he needed to change his tactics. Maybe he needed to give her what she thinks she wants. “Yes, that is exactly what you are going to do! Give her what she thinks she wants.” He said aloud.
    Brock walked into his office the next morning whistling carrying two cups of coffee to find Holly at the whiteboard. “Good morning Cavanaugh!”
    Holly spun around to make sure that she really heard Brock’s voice, because she had never heard him whistle—in fact he was always so gruff in the mornings since she started working with him. “Morning Detective McClellan, you seem to be in a good mood this morning. You must have really slept well!”
    “Here’s a cup of coffee—just the way you like it. Now, what have we got so far? I see you have been logging information on the white board.”
    “There are a couple of things that all the vics have in common. First of all they all are college students. Secondly, they all live in an apartment—which is pretty common of college students, so I don’t really think that that will be anything significant, but I wanted it down on the board anyways.”
    “Good so far, anything else?”
    “Some of the vics had roommates and others didn’t, so again I don’t think it will have a lot of significance to us but it’s logged anyway.”
    Brock stared at the board. “What are we still missing? “Why would only three of the vics have a tie to O’Donnell’s while none of the rest do?”
    “So, did you sleep well last night?” Holly asked.
    “Let’s focus on the case here Detective Cavanaugh.” Brock replied trying to keep the conversation on work.
    “What the

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