Old World (The Green and Pleasant Land)

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Book: Old World (The Green and Pleasant Land) by Oliver Kennedy Read Free Book Online
Authors: Oliver Kennedy
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only a few feet from me, his hand clutched his shoulder from which blood pumped freely.
    The inmates rushed the stage. A second weapon came forth from under the ravens other wing, in unison they boomed and I watched the inmates turned to red dust in front of my eyes. The silver cannons erupted with endless caged fury, arms, legs and heads flew about the hall as vengeful bullets seared flesh and tore bone, there was no mercy looming down the barrel of the gun, its aim was a death sentence. With the first dozen of them down the zeal of the inmates began to falter and a number of them started to run.
    It did not matter, whether they attacked or whether they ran the raven danced through the air and dealt death from every direction. Two of the inmates ran past me, such was their desire to be free that they trampled over the squirming form of the harlequin. Then I saw something which I thought had left the world, I saw fight in the hearts of the Locklears. From nowhere Sue sprang up, she tripped one of the inmates with the chain which held her before leaping on his back and proceed to choke him with a rage that only a mother in vengeance can bring to bear, the inmate screamed as she dashed his head against the stone floor whilst choking the breath from him.
    Then suddenly Mac was there, armed with the club which I'd seen him wielding in the pit, the second inmate went down from a single blow, then Mac was on him delivering a series of the punches and kicks. The greatest surprise was the sight of Zak on his feat, entrails still in hand he stamped and stamped the head of the inmate.
    Something happened. I heard my heart start to beat again. I could feel the sadness and I knew that my soul was reinserting itself back into my body, along with that physical connection there came washing back all the pain, pain which poured from every pore. But there it was, deep within me the flame had started to burn again.
    I staggered and fell from the bench, I dragged myself across the ground, the few feet between myself and the harlequin felt like forever, but then I was there, my prize was beneath me. The wound to his shoulder was horrific, much of the architecture of that part of his body was missing, but he was still conscious, though barely. I had no fingers to form fists, I had no strength left in me with which to beat the life from my enemy. But I had one weapon left.
    The harlequin screamed as my teeth sank through the mask of skin which he wore. It came off along with his nose which I spat to the side. I leaned in close to his ear, the words I uttered were a miracle given the damage to my tongue, they were a halting and warped whisper, but he knew the words. “You should have taken my teeth” I said into his ear as I bit into it and tore it from his foul head. I got one more bite out of the bastard, a large chunk of cheek which created such a deep hollow in the side of his face that I could see the inside of his bloody mouth through it.
    Then I felt kicks and punches, more of the retreating inmates, these ones with enough loyalty to stop their leader from being massacred by my angry mouth. One of them pulled the harlequin to his feet and they staggered off together. The other had it in his mind to finished me off, but from the stage a cannon thundered and another dark soul left the hall. I looked to where the harlequin fled, the gun boomed again and the inmate who assisted him went down, the harlequin turned and look at me, there was a look of homicidal rage on his face, the kind of anger you would reserve for a lifelong enemy, it was an anger which surprised me, for I knew him not before this day. He turned away and disappeared through a doorway at the side of the hall.
    To the sound of the cannon and the dying screams of the inmates of Ravensburg Secure Hospital I started to to claw my way across the cold stone floor.

    Every moment had been agony. Each step had been a mountain, but no precipice had the ability to break my will or keep

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