Not Broken: True Destiny, Book 5

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Book: Not Broken: True Destiny, Book 5 by Dana Marie Bell Read Free Book Online
Authors: Dana Marie Bell
Tags: Multiples;MMF;Vikings;Gods and Goddesses;erotic
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    “Magnus?” Sylvia’s trembling voice came from the other side of the room. “Ow!”
    He felt the rage build at Sylvia’s pain-filled tone. “Morgan.”
    “On it.” Morgan moved around him, edging along the wall, feeling his way toward where Sylvia’s voice had come from.
    “Well. I wasn’t expecting you.”
    Magnus blinked. That voice was vaguely familiar, feminine yet deep. It was a voice he hadn’t heard in decades. “Skadi? Is that you?”
    “I hear you’ve turned traitor, boy.” A sense of air displacement was his only warning. Magnus ducked, the blade swishing over his head.
    “You still follow the Old Man?” Magnus readied Mjolnir , the hammer growing from the tiny silver pendant into the mighty weapon his father had once wielded.
    “I follow my lord, the King of the Gods.”
    Thanks to the light from his fingertips he could just see her. “Then you follow Kir, not Odin.” He blocked a blow from Skadi’s blade. The strength behind her blow was phenomenal. She wasn’t playing around. She intended to kill him if she could. “Kir holds Gungnir . He is now the ruler of the gods, not Odin.”
    “Kir is not my lord.” The savage anger in her voice was startling. “He’s taken up with the foul betrayer, the Father of Lies.”
    Apparently she’d had never gotten over the fact that the bonds she’d tied Logan down with had been undone. Kir had freed Logan from his mountain prison, running away with him and hiding out from Odin for centuries. Since she’d been the one to craft the bonds out of the entrails of one of Logan’s sons, she’d been pissed when Logan got away.
    But Ragnarrok had begun long before Kir and Logan fled. It started the day Odin tricked the blind god Hodr into nearly killing Kir, but wound up wounding Logan instead. It was only now beginning to come to a head. With the death of Odin, Ragnarrok, the true destiny of the gods, would finally be revealed.
    They traded blows, Magnus trying to maneuver Skadi so that Morgan could get the women out to safety. “Why are you here? Why did you attack Sylvia and Sydney?”
    “Sylvia and Sydney are nothing more than pawns, a means to get to Loki.” Skadi feinted, getting in a solid blow against Magnus’s side. He cried out, the pain excruciating. “My orders come from Odin himself.”
    The fucking bastard was once again using a woman to do his dirty work. First Rina, now Skadi. “Are you his lover now?”
    She scoffed. “I have no need for lovers or defenders. I can take care of myself.”
    The proud daughter of the mountain king had once been married to Njord, the Vanir god of the sea. He felt sorry for the poor guy. She’d given Njord nothing but grief the entire time they’d been married. She’d hated the sea, hated fish, hated sand, but mostly she’d hated her husband and let him know it at every opportunity. Njord had ended the relationship, and ever since then he’d been holed up in the sea, probably thrilled that his ex-wife never visited.
    “You’re wrong.” The sound of Mjolnir crashing against her blade was loud and painful enough to distract her from the fact that Morgan had gotten the women out the door. He threw a lightning bolt, making her dance away from the door as Morgan signaled that the hallway was clear. “Kiran Tate-Saeter is the rightful ruler of the Aesir and the Vanir, by the laws of our people and by the prophecy of Ragnarrok.”
    She swung again, sidestepping his return blow. “You’ve become weak, almost human. You’ve lived among them for so long you’ve forgotten what it is to be jotun.”
    “I’m half Aesir.” Magnus struck with his lightning, pouring his rage into the blow. Skadi flew across the room, her blade falling from her fingers to clatter to the floor. “I am my father’s son.”
    Magnus turned his back on Skadi and walked to the door, but her pain-filled voice stopped him. “This is not the end, Magni Thorsson.”
    He didn’t turn back despite the name he

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