Music City Macabre: The Low Lying Lands Saga: Vol. 1

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Book: Music City Macabre: The Low Lying Lands Saga: Vol. 1 by Bob Williams Read Free Book Online
Authors: Bob Williams
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chat with him when we’re done.”
    I cracked open my beer, took a long pull, and said, “Sit back, this will take a while. And it won’t be pleasant. You’ll probably think I’m insane.” I told him that the search for Emily had come full circle, and that my eyes had been opened to a whole new reality.
    The reason he didn’t ask about Emily when I arrived was because I had asked him not to. Well, him and several other close associates. After so many inquiries in the beginning and never having anything to report I finally said, “Look, when there’s something to report. I’ll get the word out.”
    His eyes widened, “Go on. I want to know everything.” I told him how I’d been working closely with Pollock as always and after two years we had finally pinpointed a bar called The 88 as her location. Then I told him the whole damn thing was a setup.
    “When was this?” he interrupted.
    “Yesterday, can’t you see how fucked up I am?”
    “Well sure, but you have a dangerous profession. Proceed,” said Jay.
    I continued to explain that I hadn’t hit it off well with the bartender, which led to me jerking him over the counter and beating his ass. Then a few Freaks joined in and tuned me up until I was knocked out.
    “Wait, Freaks just kicked your ass but didn’t bite you? Did they infect you? Damn, man, you didn’t tell me you had a recent dustup with Freaks. I have a community to worry about here! You know the rules, Prescott!”
    “Emily’s dead, Jay! She’s dead. Sent as a sacrifice to a demon named Chaos.”
    “What did you say? Emily is dead? Oh, dammit. Prescott, I’m sorry man. I can’t imagine what you’re going through. Is that why you’re here? To lay low and sort it out? Take as long as you need.”
    “Thanks. I’m not really facing it right now. I won’t do it till it feels right. I need to do...something. And no, I’m not here to lay low. All I’m feeling right now is anger. I came here for work. I thought you had something in the works were I could put down some Freaks. But I got what I needed from Doctor Midnite.”
    “Wait, did you say something about a demon...named Chaos?”
    “Yes. Jay, this is real, man. No shit. Just like the Doc said. My father was an agent for a secret organization called The Black Hand. I just learned all this myself yesterday. And Pollock, too. Pollock was a fucking plant who was misleading me the entire two years. I killed Pollock with my bare hands. What I saw in The 88, I’ll never forget.
    “Demons are real. All that shit Doctor Midnite is going on about. It’s true. The Descent was not a virus outbreak. It was the Essence of Chaos that was used to infect Emily, who was then released into the public, and there you have it. The Collapse followed shortly after. I saw Chaos enter my father from, who fuckin’ knows where, and start talking to me!”
    I said I wasn’t facing it but talking about it all so openly and matter-of-factly was starting to stir my emotional pot. In all honesty, I don’t know if I’ll ever come to terms with her death. I didn’t plan on this happening. I didn’t want to cry in front of Jay, although I’m sure he’d understand.
    “So if I understand this correctly, and I usually do, YESTERDAY you went into a bar called The 88 in Chicago, expecting to rescue your two-years-missing sister, but what you actually found were several beatings, your boy Pollock was a traitor, Mr. Prescott works for a giant cult, and The Descent was perpetrated by a Demon who brought on the end times by killing Emily.”
    “Yes. As crazy as that sounds. Yes.”
    “Ok. Tonight we drink to Emily. Granted, I never met her, but it was evident in how you searched for her that you loved her. You need to take tonight and get your head as straight as you can. Because tomorrow we outfit you with some guns and maybe a little body armor. Like the Doc says, you’re going to head to Nashville to put that Kade motherfucker in the ground.”
    I woke up

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