Microsoft Word - Jacks-Marcy-Mated-to-the-Wild-Omega.doc

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or even acknowledge that  Morgan was joking around with him suggested that maybe the wolf still had some control after all. Terry just reached back into the drawer and pulled out a long, heavy-looking belt.
    “This will make it fit,” he said with a smile.
    Morgan smiled back and went to have a look in the drawer for

    Mated to the Wild Omega                      55

    himself. There was another pair of jeans in there that was way too big,  even for Morgan’s body, and a maroon T-shirt with a neck hole so  stretched he suspected it might go right over his shoulders, and the  whole thing would fall down his body and crumple at his feet.
    “There another belt in there?” he asked.
    He never felt so ridiculous coming downstairs, wearing a pair of jeans so huge. He was sure he looked like one of those ridiculous-looking kids from the TV, wearing pants or shorts so big that they slid down the ass. He didn’t understand that fad at all.
    He wouldn’t mind seeing it on Terry, however.
    Either way, the belts kept them decent.
    Nick sensed there was something off in Morgan’s mood, but because he couldn’t see the jeans, he could only cock his head and return to what he was doing.
    “I got the water boiling and in a couple of minutes the rice will be ready to go in. I’ll just need you to watch it for me.”
    Morgan decided that now was not the time to poke fun at Nick for his hatred of cooking. Sometimes he couldn’t tell whether Nick just couldn’t do it because of his blindness or because of a real lack of
    talent in a kitchen. He knew Adam, Nick’s mate, made him take turns
    with him, but that was about it.
    Maybe the guy only hated cooking when his mate wasn’t around to enjoy it with him.
    “Sure thing.”
    Because they now had the rice, on top of the cereal that they’d found earlier for snacking, Morgan made sure that Terry ate what was left of his soup after he’d heated it up in the microwave. The first floor of the cabin was really starting to warm up thanks to the stove, and the goose bumps on Nick’s arms soon vanished.
    The rice wasn’t exactly instant, so they had to wait twenty minutes before it was ready. Morgan knew how to cook, but rice wasn’t his thing either. It was ready, but the texture was a little too soggy to have been done properly.

    56                            Marcy Jacks
    Still, he was starving, and it was the best damn rice he’d had in his
    Terry certainly made no complaints as he scarfed down what was on his plate. Morgan quickly scooped more for him to eat, occasionally reminding him to slow down, but otherwise, they had a good meal.
    It had gone dark outside, but because of their fear of using too much power and somehow being found out by the owner, they searched out some candles and lit them for the night. Terry actually found a children’s board game for them to play with.
    Something to do with catching mice in some strange elaborate trap with all sorts of pieces and parts. Morgan had no clue how a child was supposed to put the stupid thing together. The strange thing was how the three of them seemed to have the most fun just trying to figure out how to assemble it.
    They tired themselves out after enough attempts and jokes at themselves, but it had been definitely more than an hour before they gave up and just sat down to talk.
    Morgan and Nick kept the conversations light and on safe topics, both fully aware that the omega currently sitting in Morgan’s lap was still fighting to keep control of his inner wolf.
    Even Nick’s extrasensitive senses would be able to tell him that
    Terry had almost lost it a couple of times while Nick was downstairs.
    He would have heard it.
    When Terry fell asleep in Morgan’s lap, only then did they start getting serious.
    Nick kept his voice down, lest he pull Terry out of the dream he’d just slipped into.
    “I think those men were hunters, and they weren’t hunting for

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